Twelve • "Dormammu, I've Come To Bargain."

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"I had a date

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"I had a date."
-Steve Rogers

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Sirius watches Wanda sleep on the old brown couch, her head rested against the couches arm making the dark headed teen grimace, that couch was in no way comfortable.

Sirius notices that the others were half asleep and he smiles, shaking his head in fondness and amusement.

Sirius turns back to the small brunette, his heart jumping at the peaceful look on her face. Talking to Wanda was great, she's incredibly smart and kind, and to top it off she's funny. Their banter was great and he felt amazing, she didn't back down nor did she whine like others do when he bickers with them.

Wanda knew how to take a joke.

Sirius knew he was in trouble, it's was really easy to like her, and now watching her with his friends, he really wanted her, snake or not. His feelings were all over the place really but he knew one thing for sure, he had to get to know her better.

Sirius walks over to her sleeping form and he gently picks her up, cradling her in his arms.

He smiles as she fits perfectly in his embrace.

The dark headed teen prays to every god that he knows that she doesn't wake up, he gently and slowly takes her up to his dorm.

Sirius contemplates placing her on his bed but he knows it was inappropriate, especially since he has feelings for her, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

He has a feeling she knows about his less then innocent feelings. He's going to ignore that for now.

Sirius decides to places her besides Remus, smiling as they gravitate to each other. He knows he should feel jealous, but he knows that Remus sees her as a friend and nothing more. Well he hopes so.

He laughs softly when the werewolf places his head on her back, his face contorting into bliss and happiness, enjoying the warmth radiating from Wandas body.

Sirius reach over and he gently pushes back a curl from Wandas pale face. He really wanted to get to know her.


The next day.

Wanda groans awake, her hair sticking to the side of her face, her eyes slightly blurry, filled with sleep.

Wanda hears a small groan at her ear and she sits up quickly.

Causing the sleepy werewolf to blink up at her.

Wanda was really confused, her eyebrows furrowing, looking around and noticing that she was on a bed that wasn't hers.

"Remus." Wanda rasps

Remus blinks.


Sirius looks up when he hears movement. He usually isn't up at this point but he couldn't sleep.

A ruffled looking Wanda and Remus make their way down the common room.

"What the hell happened." Remus asks, his voice scratchy.

Sirius smiles.

"Well you fell asleep, me and Wanda brought you up, and by the way you are hella heavy, and then Wanda fell asleep right afterwards and I brought her up." Sirius says nonchalantly, shrugging his broad shoulders.

Wanda hums. "Well thank you, but I have to leave and shower, I smell like a frats house." Wanda mumbles, shuffling towards the door.

Sirius watches her with amusement.


Slytherin common room.

Wanda passes through the portrait, only to pause when she finds Bellatrix Black standing before her.

Bellatrix had her arms crossed. "Where have you been Maximoff." Bellatrix sneers

Wanda pauses. "Uh out." She hesitates

"Parkinson's over here said that she saw you enter the Gryffindor common room last night." Bellatrix says

Wanda sighs, meeting a glaring gaze. "It's none of your business Black." Wanda says, withdrawn.

"Well you slag, there better not be a second time, we don't need harlots like you soiling our house name." Bellatrix sneers, her hand tightening over her wand.

Wandas gaze moves towards it, amusement curling in her chest. Such a flimsy little stick.

"Well screw you Black, your not my mother, your nothing to me, I don't have to listen to you, your not even the head girl." Wanda taunts, lips broadening into a sly grin.

Bellatrixs eyes darken, and she lifts the wand to Wandas eye level. "Don't tempt me Maximoff." Bellatrix snarls, her fist whitening.

Wanda scoffs. "What are you even going to do, hex me? Honestly Black, it's pathetic. I am no one to you, I am not your blood, just because we live in the same house, doesn't make us family or even friends." Wanda sneers

"I can do a lot worse then a hex honey, have you ever heard of the unforgivables?" Bellatrix sneers.

Wandas eyes darken with intent and malicious glee. "I have actually, but I do believe that the very name gives it away. And I wonder how the headmaster would feel if he heard you threatening a student at his school, anyone in fact. While I may or may not be able to endure the pain of the unforgivables. I won't be quiet, unless you kill me, but I don't think your stupid enough to throw away your future because I have friends in the Gryffindor house. While I have no status here. I do have two perfectly good ears and I have heard of your engagement with the Lestrange boy, they may be as psychotic as you, but they aren't idiots and they care more of their status then do of a pathetic slag." Wanda sneers

It was hella quiet. Bellatrix looked pale, as if she was drained of blood.

Wanda didn't need her powers to manipulate people, her will and words were a enough.

She was a badass bitch and she wasn't afraid of a pathetic witch, who gets off kicking others down.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now