Forty-Eight • "And I will always be there...old friend."

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"What's a Magneto?" -Wolverine

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"What's a Magneto?"

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda curses as she holds Pietro down as he struggles to rip Erik to pieces, screaming in anger and pain. Erik looks at his son in worry as Charles only sighs. Peter watches this all with amusement, letting out a small laugh.

"Pietro calm down!" Wanda yells, annoyed and worried at the same time. She gets the anger and the hurt, but she doesn't want to see him anymore hurt then he already is.

Pietro's face reddens as he pulls at his stitches, but he needed to rip into Erik's neck, he doesn't care about the superficial pain.

"Pietro I am sorry, I didn't want you to suffer. What I was doing for us mutants was dangerous but it was for us. I need you to understand that. It was easier for me to fake my own death then to leave you believing that I didn't love you." Erik pleads

Pietro finally calms down, resting against Wanda, clutching at his stomach. His eyes were full of hate and anger. "I would've rather you dead." Pietro hisses

Wanda sighs. "It's okay Pietro. I know all you feel is anger and hurt, but you need to heal and stay calm. You can yell at him all you want later." Wanda says

Pietro sighs and he gently grabs his sisters wrist. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cause you anymore stress." Pietro says, Wanda smiles. "Don't worry about me." Wanda says


Hours later. Monday afternoon.

Erik, Charles, Peter and Scott left the room to give the twins time to reacquaint.

Wanda knows she was missing classes, but she could care less. Being here with her brother was more then worth it. Wanda watches as the caretaker cleans Pietro's wounds, rewrapping them with clean bandages.

Pietro grimaces making Wanda bite at her nails. "Stop." Pietro grunts, Wanda pauses, lifting an eyebrow. "Stop what?" Wanda asks "stop biting your nails, you only do that when your scared and you have nothing to be scared about, I'm here." Pietro says, reaching over and grabbing Wanda's hand.

Wanda smiles. "Yeah you are." Wanda says

After the nurse leaves, Pietro lowers his shirt. "Tell me, after the snap, what have you been doing?" Pietro asks "Uh nothing at first, I was found by this man, who turned out to be a wizard, like those movies we used to watch. I enrolled in his school, using it as a chance to find a way home, which is a work in progress. I then met these amazing people and then I found you." Wanda says, she has a bright smile on her face.

Wanda genuinely couldn't believe that her brother was alive, she can even feel their bond in her magic. It made her feel alive again, as if she found the missing piece she lost.

Pietro smiles, grateful to see her so happy. "Were you happy?" Pietro asks

Wanda nods, "for a while, but I kind've messed it up in the end, but that doesn't matter, not when I have you." Wanda says

"Well whatever you did, your going to have to fix it because your going back. We need answers." Eric says

Wanda and Pietro look up. "What?" Wanda asks "The school has resources and we still need to find a way home." Erik says, Wanda scoffs. "I hate to say this and I really do, but I agree with him, you need to go back." Pietro says, "W-what n-no, I just got you back. I'm not leaving you." Wanda says "Your not because I'm going with you." Pietro says

"What." Wanda breaths "I need out of this hospital room and I don't want to leave your side as much as you don't want to leave mine." Pietro says

Wanda couldn't help but smile. "Y-yeah, I would love that." Wanda says, excited.

Pietro smiles. Suddenly he fully sits up and he pushes the blankets off his body. Wanda's eyes widen and she straightens up her spine. "W-What are you doing, your still hurt." Wanda says "Well lets go, I need to enroll." Pietro says

Wanda only laughs, shaking her head. "Fine, but you have to tell me when your in pain, I don't want to accidently hurt you." Wanda says "Deal now come on." Pietro says

Erik watches the two of them with hidden fondness, he wanted to hold his kids but he had no right. Not after he left them.


Hogsmeade. Night.

Pietro watches with awe as witches and wizards fly around in their brooms. The twins were making their way through Hogsmeade. Wanda wanted to give him the full experience, she wanted to get him fitted for robes, she wanted to give him his first wand.

She knows he has no magic, but with a few tweaks of her own, she's going to spell the wand to pull from the energy force from within him. From the infinity stone that granted him his speed. It won't be as powerful as the classic witches and wizards but he will be able to cast as many spells as he wants.

Wanda was radiating with energy and excitement. Wanda and Pietro have never gone to high school together and this is their chance.

Pietro tugs Wanda forward. "Okay where to first?" Pietro asks

Wanda hums. "Well I've already sent word to Dumbledore about your enrollment, so that's covered now all we need to do is get you robes and a wand." Wanda says

Pierre smiles widely. "Yes! Yes!" Pietro says excitedly.

Currently, Pietro was wearing a grey long sleeve, which covered most of his bandages. He also wore a arm brace, his shoulders muscle was completely torn by a bullet, so he needed to keep his arm leveled.

Once they get to Hogwarts, Wanda is going to have Madam Pomfrey take a look at his wounds.

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