Fifty-Five • "Hurting the ones we love, it's just what we do."

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"You'll find bourbon on basically every horizontal surface

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"You'll find bourbon on basically every horizontal surface."
-Freya Mikaelson

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Sirius and James entered the infirmary as quietly as possible. They notice the lack of Pomfrey and they breath in relief, taking the invisibility cloak off.

James looks around while Sirius marches forward towards the closed off space. He knows in his gut that she was behind that curtain. James bounces on the balls of his feet, he's going to let him do this on his own.

Sirius pulls back the curtain and he feels the air get knocked out of him. His eyes widening.

Wanda looked so peaceful, her face void of any stress or emotion. Her hands were rested on either side of her body, they were pale and still. She wore a pyjama set, they were green, Sirius hated it. The staff usually dress the injured in their house colours.

Sirius walks up to the chair, sitting down, reaching forward and grabbing Wandas hand. "What happened Wanda." Sirius whispers to the unconscious body. He was scared.

"Merlin this is my fault." Sirius whispers, pressing his head to her cold hand, closing his eyes.

He sat there for awhile in silence, worried and holding back tears that he was too stubborn to let out. "I know I was a ass Wanda, but you didn't have to get back at me. I mean really, getting sent to the hospital, too dramatic, even for me." Sirius says, attempting to lighten the mood, though it was a lost cause, he wasn't going to get a response to his stupid joke.

"You know I heard from Lily that you can't ever make the girl you fancy choose, that it's dickish. That the girl would be smart to never pick the guy making her choose. So I am really hoping that your as stupid as I am." Sirius whispers, he was regretting it all now, but he was to selfish to let her go.

"I still want you to pick me. I know it's awful and very unfair to Remus and to you, I mean your unconscious and all I'm thinking about is us. But I can't help you when I don't know what's wrong, so I'm going to talk, I'm going to tell you everything I should've said. I'm self centred like that, hopefully you can look past that." Sirius whisper, idly playing with Wandas rings.

"A-and I'm not the only one worried, James is behind that curtain, waiting for me to finish. But I don't care, I just want to be here with you. Holding your hand....I know, I know it's bad for my rep, I'm the whore of Hogwarts......" Sirius trails off, grimacing, that wasn't the greatest thing to say too Wanda at the moment. But he has no idea if she can hear him at all, "hopefully you didn't hear that part." Sirius whispers

He interlaces their fingers, warming hers with his body heat. "I mean I haven't slept with anyone since you got here, we'll expect for that one girl, but I barely met you and I thought that my 'crush' was just a physical attraction...." Sirius says, gulping nervously, "which is not. I know that now. I'm ready for more Wanda. I want more. I've come to realize that if I want to be better then my parents, better then how people saw me, I have to be ready to love someone..." Sirius says, halting briefly when he realized what he was implying. Sirius glances at her face for any sign of her waking up. "Yeah yeah the 'L' word, but ignore that, I-I don't want to scare you. But I'm willing and I'm ready.........." Sirius says honestly, tightening his hold on her hand. Sirius only scoffs. "You know what Wanda, screw it." Sirius says

"I love you so fucking much and you have no idea how much I want to be able to hold you." Sirius says passionately.

He loved her. He actually said it.

Sirius smiles sadly, still no response.

What Sirius didn't know was that Wanda was awake, her breath still, her heart pounding in her chest.


Sirius was half asleep against Wandas bed, still holding her hand. Finally annoyed, James opens the curtains, only to roll his eyes at Sirius's state. "Sirius we're going to get caught and I haven't had to chance to talk to her. Go get Remus, and for Merlins sake, don't be a jealous asshole, he cares for her too." James says

Sirius sits up and he rolls his eyes, but hesitates in letting go of Wanda's hand. James rolls his eyes again and he crosses his arms, waiting.

Sirius huffs and he finally lets go of Wanda, standing up.


Finally alone.

James grabs Wandas now warm hand and he stares at her. "I know your awake." James says

Wanda lets out a sigh and she opens her eyes. "How?" Wanda asks hoarsely. "Your eyes were moving faster then usual. Honestly amateur hour over here." James says

Wanda rolls her eyes. "Are you okay?" James finally asks. Wanda hums softly and she sits up, making James straighten up. "I am...,I wasn't getting much sleep and when I went out, I had a little accident, which involved with me hitting my head, it was pretty easy to pass out." Wanda lies easily.

"That sucks, I'm glad your okay though." James says "thanks." Wanda says, looking down at their hands. James eyes her face. "W-Why does he look like me?" James asks, his heart pounding, scared for the answer. What if he had a secret brother.

Wanda looks up, opening her mouth and struggling to form the proper words. In reality she didn't know herself. "I-I honestly don't know, I was just as shocked as you probably were. I mean your the splitting image of him. I-I m freaked out, it was a little hard to look at you for a while." Wanda takes a stuttering breath. James reaches over and he gently grabs her hand.

"I-I mean I was a mess for awhile, trying to find answers." Wanda says, the image of her dead brothers corpse collapsing on the hard ground, his eyes pale, completely lifeless. "A-And when you guys asked about him, I came up with this idiotic lie about him being a yoga instructor." Wanda knew she couldn't tell him the truth, at least not all of it. "He didn't go to the school I had went to. He was gone for a very long time. It was impossible to look at you and not be reminded of him." Wanda says

James swallows harshly. "What happened to him?" James asks, obviously he was okay. "He got hurt really bad, he's finally healing from it. I didn't know he was here in London until I was contacted by a.....friend of mine. He was at a hospital. I wanted him stay, but he's stubborn as hell, just like you......" Wanda trails off with a small laugh. James chuckles softly. "I had Pomfrey check his wounds. He's fine now, I just don't know how long that will last. You don't go through what he went through without coming out with some scars." Wanda says

James hums, she was very vague on what happened, but he wasn't going to push. "I wish you told me sooner. It was freaky and maybe I would've reacted better." James says

"I know I'm sorry." Wanda says "at least now I know why you kept calling me Pietro." James says, huffing.

Wanda groans softly, covering her eyes with her hand, making James chuckle. "I was really hoping you didn't hear that. It was embarrassing." Wanda says, dropping her hand down to her lap, "now that I know the full story, it really was." James jokes, making her laugh. Suddenly turning serious, "I really am glad your okay." James says "thank you." Wanda says softly. Her heart warmed, people actually care for her.

"Now about Sirius." James says

Wandas face falls. "He's my best mate and I love him. He has never been so infatuated with someone as he is with you. Please don't break his heart, I don't think he can take it." James says

Wanda swallows harshly. "I don't ever want to, but I can't give him what he needs. I'm broken James and it's going to take me time to heal, time he doesn't have. And I'm not worth it." Wanda says

"Don't say that, you are worth it." James says

"No. I'm not." Wanda says, shaking her head softly.

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