Sixty-Seven • "I'm not ready."

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"I am a jealous man

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"I am a jealous man."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda huffs when she finishes packing her bags. The teen looks up when her bedroom door slams open. The castle elves quickly grab her bags and begin cleaning her room. "Uh what?" Wanda asks

"I'm starry and you can make your way down to the station, we have your bags." Starry says

Wanda looks conflicted, only to exclaim when she feels a shove and she makes her way out of the door.


Wanda dusts off her jeans, making her way through the halls. "Miss Maximoff." A voice calls out

Wanda turns her head and she finds the headmaster ten feet from her. "Headmaster?" Wanda asks "hello my dear, it's been a while since we have last spoken, Bailey has told me of your progress. I'm happy to see a glow in those eyes. You've come a long way." Dumbledore says

"Thank you, I certainly feel better, your school has a way of doing that." Wanda says

Dumbledore hums. "Well please do consider what I'm about to say, because this school is under threat." Dumbledore says "what?" Wanda asks

"While it might not be now, Voldemort has his eyes set on our humble school. He grew up here and he believes that we failed him, that we didn't protect him from the horrors of the world. He wants to hurt us. A-And I must admit, we carry something he will eventually want." Dumbledore says

"What are you asking?" Wanda asks 

"Your gifted." Dumbledore says, they both knew what he was implying. "I-I can't, I'm not here to fight any battles." Wanda says

"We need you, this school needs you." Dumbledore says "H-Headmaster, please..." Wanda breath

"You must understand that we poured a lot of resources into you and your brothers. Your using our library to go home, I am not trying to hold anything over your head, but you must understand the position your putting me." Dumbledore says

Wanda swallows roughly. "L-let me discuss it with my brothers." Wanda offers

Dumbledores lips spread into a smile and the twinkle reappears in his eyes.


Wanda finds her way to the stations, puffing out an annoyed breath. "Wanda." A voice calls out

Wanda turns and she finds Remus running towards her. Wanda inhales through her nose. He looked amazing, his hair tussled, his cheeks flushed. He wore a brown sweater, frayed at the ends. He looked different. "Hey." Wanda breaths

Remus smiles. "I-I know, we've talked about this, but I just wanted you to have my address in case you change your mind, I mean a owl or two won't hurt." Remus says

Remus hands a crumpled piece of paper, the ink smeared and the writing sloppy. The paper had a few chocolate stains, it was perfectly Remus.

"Y-yeah an owl won't hurt." Wanda mumbles

Remus's lips spread into a wide smile.


Wanda was finding her way through the trains compartments, only to bump into a solid chest. Wanda gasps harshly as the wind is knocked out of her.

Sirius stumbles back, eyes widening. "Wanda oh Merlin, I'm so sorry." Sirius exclaims, catching her wrist. Wanda stares up at him, eyes wide. Sirius chuckles, bringing her closer. "It's been a while." Sirius offers, fingers interlacing with hers, bringing their shared hands up to his lips.

Wandas cheeks flush. "Sirius, I slept with Remus." Wanda admits

Sirius smirks. "I know, I'm not worried, my girl needs a release until she's ready for me, until your ready for me." Sirius says

"Your not jealous...?" Wanda asks "oh fuck yeah, why the hell would I want someone other then me touching the girl of my dreams. I want to be the only one who can make you cum, I want to be the only one to make you scream and cry." Sirius breaths, leaning closer to Wanda, backing her into a wall.

Wandas heart starts racing. "Sirius." Wanda breaths "you looked so beautiful falling apart on my fingers and all I can picture was you falling apart on my cock. And one day I'll have you moaning and withering on it." Sirius purrs, raising a hand and caressing the side of her face. He was so close yet so far from kissing her.

But they couldn't, even Sirius knew it. Remus and Wanda have been flirting publicly and she had slept with him. Sirius didn't want to go about this the wrong way. Sirius may be a man whore but he doesn't want people to think Wanda was one, and she isn't.

Wanda is just a girl stuck between two perfectly great guys. It was only human to want them both, and neither were making it easy.

Sirius smirks when he sees Wanda's eyes dilate, her gaze moving to his lips, licking her own. Sirius looked at their connected hands and pulling his away. Wanda stares as he pecks her jaw and then walks away.

Wanda watches him walk away until he's out of sight. Wanda looks down at her hand and she uncurls her fingers, inside her palm was a crisp white paper, the only wrinkles on the sheet was because of her. Wanda opens the paper and she finds a address across the sheet. The handwriting was loopy and perfect.

Wanda sighs.


Wanda finds herself in a compartment. Xavier sat alone, waiting for the others. "Hello dear." Xavier says

Wanda looks up and she smiles. "Hello Xavier." Wanda says, moving and sitting across from him. "How have you been." Xavier asks "don't you already know?" Wanda asks "I don't try to read others minds my dear, it's rude and leaves life uninteresting." Xavier says

Wanda smiles. "I'm great Xavier." Wanda says "that's good dear, your father worries." Xavier says "I'm not so sure about that, I mean he can ask how I'm doing instead of sending his bestie." Wanda sneers

He never once approached, so much for starting over. "He's scared Wanda, he's scared of messing up again, your his kid and he already hurt you once." Xavier says

"I'm scared too, but he's my father." Wanda says

Xavier sighs deeply.



Okay I'd like to discuss something with you all. This book is heading one way and I am very happy with it. And I understand that some of you don't like that Wanda is going between two guys, but it isn't any different then what guys do to girls. And Wanda is considering their feelings, she doesn't want to use them. Just because she's conflicted and wants pleasure doesn't make her a slut, so please consider that when reading this book.

I really don't want to upset anyone, I promise.

I am just trying to set up their endgame and I want you all to know that this book will include sex, like I've warned you beforehand. So enjoy 😊

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now