Chapter 1

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Savannah's POV

"Gahhh," I groan as my alarm clock goes off. 

This year I've decided things will be different. My name is Savannah and this year I'm not going to let Harry keep bothering me. Harry Rockwell and I met when we were seven. We were good friends until we turned ten. When we turned ten, I don't know what exactly happened but he starting being mean and pushing me away. Ironically that's when I realized I had a crush on him too. 

It's the first day of senior year. I get up and start getting ready for the day. I put on my I'm meeting up with my best friends, Lily and Ivy, before I head to school. 


"Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I might hang out with Lily and Ivy after school!" I say hurrying off to school.

"Ok honey! Stay safe!" My mom replies.

I head off to school and already see Ivy and Lily when I get there. Ivy was our loud, didn't- give- a- shit- of- what- people- thought- of- her girl and Lily was the rather quiet but protective of us girl, sort of the mom on group.

"SENIOR YEAR, BITCHES!" Ivy screams, very loudly, when we're all together.

"Girl, you do know that I'm right here, right? Your literally gonna give me tinnitus," I say over dramatically, like the over dramatic person I am lol.

"Your literally the one who said, and I quote, 'School is a soul crushing vacuum that sucks the life out of you',"Lily reminds me.

"I was being a melodramatic teen when I said that, ya know?" I say.

"You were 11" Ivy reminds me.

"Whatever, let's get to class already."  I say as I chuckled.

The bell rings and we head to the class, talking about all our plans for this year. 

Harry's POV 

I hate it. I hate how this school looks at me like I piss gold. I hate how she's never going to notice me. I hate that I'm mean to her. But it's all I have. I ruined everything the year I turned ten and I can't undo it.

 "Earth to Harry!" calls out, my best friend, Jess.

 "What's up?" I say casually. 

"Aren't you excited for senior year?" asks, my other best friend, Lincoln. 

"Nah, school is literally a soul crushing vacuum that suck the life out of you." I responded 

"I'm so gonna steal that line from you," Jess says, "Whoever came up with it seems awesome."

She is. She really is. "Yea," I respond. 

As I start to zone out again, I hear that laugh. The laugh that makes me feel... happy. I don't even need to look to see who has that laugh. It's Savannah. Sometimes I wonder what if I just spoke to her about what happened. What if I didn't call her begin to push her away. But those are all just what ifs. Being mean to her is all I have. If I lose that, than there's nothing for me here.


Hey guys, thanks for checking out my first story. I know this chapter was short and kind of boring but we're just getting started ♥️♥️

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