Chapter 5

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Harry's POV:

Once I got to the party I could hear Ocean Eyes playing in the background, until my eyes laid eyes on her. She was beautiful. She always was. She was wearing a beautiful spaghetti strapped short rose gold dress with embedded sequins. I heard her doing her melodious laugh. She was laughing at something Jess had said. I envied her friendship with Jess and Linc. She was kind and... just perfect. I hated that I felt this urge to ruin this for her, just so I could get her to notice me again.

"Hey Thompson!" I said loudly.

She looked at me. Her eyes were filled with worry about what I would do next. I hated that I had to ruin this for her. But without it, I had nothing.

"What do you want Harry?" she asked me with her voice trembling but still trying to stand her ground.

"Where'd you get that dress? Could you get any uglier?" I asked cringing at my words inside of me.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She tried to push the tears away. I hated how I always made her cry. I sighed as I saw what I did to her. I wish we could've stayed friends...

Savannah's POV:

When we got to the party, I saw Jess and Linc heading toward us. I knew Linc would totally flirt with Ivy because that's just how he is. I totally shipped Ivy and Linc together. They were always flirting and they were cute together. Lily went to go dancing, and Ivy and Linc headed to get drinks.

"Hey Jess, how are you?" I said. Even though their best friend was awful to me, Jess and Linc were still my friends.

"Hey Sav, I'm doing pretty good." He responds.

I notice him looking toward Lily and I could tell that he liked her. 

I laughed and asked, "Do you want me to put in a good word?" 

"Is it that obvious?" He asks nervously.

"No but I could see it," I say, "Still want that good word in?"

"Yeah, I would," he chuckles, "thank you Sav."

"Of course, you guys would be perfect together." I say.

Just as I was about to continue talking with Jess, I heard someone call my name. Oh no. I know the voice. I looked over to see Harry. God, why did he have to ruin this for me? Couldn't he let me have fun, just for once? I looked at him with worry in my eyes and I brace myself for whatever rude comment he was about to make.

"What do you want Harry?" I said as my voice was trembling but I still stood my ground.

"Where'd you get that dress? Could you get any uglier?" Harry said.

I felt the tears in my eyes make their way to my eyes. I tried to push them away but I couldn't. 

No. No, I said to myself. This year will be different. I won't let him keep bullying me.

"What do you get out of making girls cry? Are you that bored with your own life that you torment other girls?" I sneered at him.

He looked surprised. For a second, I saw him being proud, but he shook it away. 

"Oh look, the little mouse got a voice. Too bad it's too late. Are you that desperate that you want everyone to stare at you?" Harry replied back in a vicious voice.

Everyone at the party started laughing. I saw Lily and Ivy coming back into the room in shock on what was happening.

I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the house. God, why does he effect me so much? Why do I even have a crush on him? Whether the comments he made about me were true or not, it still hurt to hear it. I can't stand this anymore, I have to make this all stop.

To make it stop, I have to forget all about Harry Rockwell.


Well, Savannah is  starting to stand up for herself. You'll see more of what happened at the party in the next chapter. ♥️♥️

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