Chapter 21

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Savannah's POV:

Now that we told our friends about us, we didn't really have to hide our relationship at school. So on Monday morning, guess what Harry did as soon as he saw me, ding ding ding, he pushed me against our lockers and kissed me. I guess that's one way to let people know that we're dating (Not a bad way either).

We hear the bell ring, and we hold hands as we walked to our next class together. As happy as I felt in the moment, I couldn't help feeling a gut feeling that something wrong was gonna happen.

Madeline's POV: 

I can't believe that skank.

I was trying to get with Harry since freshman year. But one look at her, and all that just went poof. Ugh, I'm gonna ruin that bitch. She'll be sorry she ever came between Harry and I. I suppose it's time to get back in touch with an old friend...

Savannah's POV:

I decided to take Harry to my house that day. My dad was still at work, but Harry still gets to see my mom.

"Mom!" I called out as soon as I got home.

"In here, hon!" She called back.

"C'mon," I said as I motioned Harry to follow me.

"Hey mom, I want you to see someone," I say.

"What's Harry doing here? You guys haven't hanged out since you were about seven," My mom asked curiously.

"Well, we reconnected and we started dating recently," I said.

"Hi Mrs. Thompson," Harry greeted.

"Call me Sara sweetie. It's nice to see you again," she said.

"Harry and I are gonna hang in my room for a bit, okay?" I said as I let her know.

"Okay sure hon," my mom responded.

As I walked to my room with Harry, I noticed he stopped for a bit. 

"Hey what're you looking at?" I asked.

"This adorable photo of you..." he says.

I got to where all the photos are and I shriek. Gahhh, he just happened to pick up the most embarrassing picture I have. It was a baby picture of me, practically butt naked, crying. 

"Nooo," I said, "we do not look at embarrassing pictures of me..."

"C'mon," he said, "it's not that bad."

I chuckle, "It is, but let's head to my room."

When we entered my room, the first thing Harry said was, 

"So this is where my amazing, beautiful girlfriend, Savannah Thompson grew up."

I gushed at what he said, "Yep, this is it."

After we finished talking and doing our homework, Harry pulled me into his lap. 

"You're beautiful, you know that right?" He says

"I'm always reminded by you," I said as I snuggled my face into his neck.

"As you should be..." Harry said, just before he pulled me into a kiss.

The kiss was slow and passionate. It was filled with love and lust filled whispers. 

"God, I love you, you know that?"

"I'm reminded everyday by the love of my life," I reply happily.

He pulls me in for another kiss, until we get interrupted.


"Ahh Dad!" I say as I get off of Harry.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"Um Dad, you remember Harry right? We started dating recently," I say.

"Hi Mr. Thompson," Harry says awkwardly.

"Hello Harry," my dad said, "So what are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Uh-," Harry begins.

"Don't worry son, I'm just kidding. I remember you from when you were in diapers, as long as you don't hurt my daughter, we'll be on good terms," Dad said.

"I swear sir, as long as I can help it, I will try to have Savannah be the happiest person ever."

"Okay son," Dad said as he was leaving, "Also drop the 'sir' stuff, just call me Thomas. It was nice seeing you again."

"It was nice seeing you too, Thomas," Harry said.

Well that didn't go so bad.


I know this chapter was kinda boring but once we get through it, it will get better. ❤️❤️

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