Chapter 9

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At the party

Savannah's POV:

"Hi Linc, Hi Jess!" I say.

"Hey Savannah," they say.

I took a deep breath.

"Is he here?" I asked worriedly.

"Yea he is. I'm sorry Savannah, I tried to convince him not to come but he didn't listen," says Jess.

"Yea, but don't worry about him. He's been drinking like a fish since he got here," says Linc.

"Oh okay," I say in relief and hope that he would leave me alone.

Later on

I was enjoying myself for once. I was having the time of my life with my friends. I had a little too much to drink, so I went upstairs to try to sober up a bit, away from the loud music and flashy lights.

I entered a room,

"God I feel tipsy," I say out loud.

"Drink some water then. It'll sober you up a bit."

I froze. I knew that voice. It was Harry.

"Harry...?" I say.

"You ignored me. You kept ignoring me so I would bully you just to get your attention." He said regretfully.

"Oh..." I didn't know what to say. This was the first time in about seven years that we spoke, where he didn't insult me.

"I'm not gonna bother denying it anymore. Me and you, Savannah, we're the inevitable." He says.

He comes near me. 

We're inches apart now. I could feel my heart racing. 

He motions to me, asking consent, and I take a step closer, as my answer. 

He pulls me in for a kiss. It was nice, slow, and sensual. His lips were warm and soft.

Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat.

Then it hits me. I'm kissing my bully. My first kiss is with the boy who tormented me, called me names, and was just plain horrible to me.

"Oh my god, what am I doing?!" I say to myself.

"Savannah..." Harry starts.

I run out as fast as I can. I just keep running.

Harry's POV:

When I got to the party, I just grabbed a whole bunch of drinks and went upstairs. I was just thinking about how awful and horrible I was being to her. I keep saying I'm being selfish but it's rude and humiliating for her. I've ruined practically everything for her and I pervert my feelings for her as a way to hurt her, just so I can be pleased that she notice me again. It's like they say, drunk minds speak sober thoughts. I'm gonna tell her the truth and release her from my wrath. Why couldn't I just have the courage to apologize to her? Why did I do all this bullshit?

I kept thinking, until someone walked into the room. It was Savannah.

Before she realized I was in here, she was talking to herself, 

"God, I feel tipsy," she says.

"Drink some water then," I say, "it'll sober you."

Before she decides to walk out, I talk to her.

"You ignored me. You kept ignoring me so I would bully you just to get your attention." I said truthful and regretfully.

"Oh..." she said quietly.

"I'm not gonna bother denying it anymore. Me and you, Savannah, we're the inevitable." I say.

I go closer to her, when our faces are inches apart, I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back for a little, until she realizes what she's done. She pulls away and says, "Oh my god, what am I doing?!" 

"Savannah..." I try to say but she runs out of the room. I sighed and left the party shortly after.


Things are starting to get heated.... ♥️♥️

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