Chapter 42

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Harry's POV:

I woke up to Savannah snuggling in my arms, sleeping. I was happy she was finally getting some sleep. She was now five months along and lately little bean has been kicking a lot at night. I kissed the top of her forehead before I got out of bed to take a shower.

"Harry...." Savannah groaned. 

"Go back to sleep Angel," I say, "I'm just taking a shower."

She nods and heads back to sleep. 


When I got out the shower, I saw Savannah up in bed watching something on TV and crying.

"Why're you crying Sav?" I ask gently.

"The dog commercial was playing again," she said in between sobs.

"Oh Sav," I say.

"It's not my fault! He's just trying to find his bone but he can't!" She sobs.

I laugh as I walk toward her and wipe her tears away. I turn off the commercial and I lean over to her and kiss her and her belly. She's been doing better lately and she hasn't had many pains after the incident. 

"Harry?" She said softly.

"Yeah Angel?" I replied. 

"I... I wanna get married..." she says softly.

"Savannah..." I said quietly.

"Please Harry. I wanna get married to you..." She said.

"Savannah, we will. I promise. Once you have this baby and get better, then we will," I say.

"Harry... but what if-," she says quietly.

"Savannah no. I don't wanna get married because of what if's," I say.

"Harry..." she calls out.

"No Sav," I say as I head downstairs.

I hear her sigh and I leave the room.


Savannah's POV:

After Harry left the room abruptly, he came back upstairs with my breakfast. It's nice to know that even when he's slightly upset with me, he'd still feed me, I chuckle to myself. I understood where he was coming from but I really want to do more with myself if there's a chance I could just die. I wanted to leave my mark on the world somehow. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my phone buzz and I pick it up. It was a text from Lils.

Lily 🧸

Hey Sav, how are u?


I'm good, I've definitely been better tho.

Lily 🧸

Lol, Harry still won't let u out of bed?


You know it 😞

Lily 🧸

If it makes you feel better, it's bc he cares.


Ik. Anyway enough about me. What've you been up to? 

Lily 🧸

Just some wedding planning here and there


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