Chapter 47

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Harry's POV:

I was carrying the groceries, as I walked up to the steps. As I opened the front door, I was talking before I could look ahead at sight in front of me.

"Hey Savannah, they ran out of your favorite cereal so-," I was saying until I noticed what happened while I was gone. It was like everything was in slow motion. I dropped the groceries immediately and ran to Savannah. There were pools of blood near her. Oh my god. How long was she like this? Oh god. 

"Savannah?!" I yelled frantically. 

I checked for her pulse. It was faint but it was there. Oh my god. I grabbed my phone and called an ambulance. As I was waiting, all I could do was hold her and cry. God.

As soon as I heard the sirens of the ambulances getting closer, I carried her out to the paramedics and layer her on the stretcher.

"How long was she like this?" They asked.

"Uh I don't know, uh 10, 15 minutes?" I said upsettingly. 

As they drove off, I had an endless amount of thoughts in my head. I couldn't focus at all. I can't lose Savannah. I won't.

As soon as we reached the hospital, nurses and doctors were on standby and crowded her as they set her into an operating room. I was covered in her blood and all I could do was fall by the door and cry.

As I stood there, my mind went blank. I couldn't think. When I went to the bathroom to get her blood off my hands, I just looked at the contaminated water and stared. 


I called everyone while Savannah was in the operating room when I finally focused on what happened. They were all trying to comfort me but I could barely hear them. I just tuned their voices out and tried my best to focus on Savannah's. Suddenly, the doctor came out and I jumped forward.

"Our best chance to save them both will be to do an emergency c- section now," the doctor said to me.

"Will they both be okay?" I asked.

"We have to focus on saving the baby first. Then we can try to operate on the mom," the doctor said.

I nodded, wiped my tear stained face, and said, "I'd like to be there."

The doctor nodded and said she'll have a nurse bring me some scrubs.


When I entered the operating room, I couldn't help but gasp. Savannah was hooked up to so many machines and so many people were working on her, I couldn't focus. But I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a baby crying.

"Congratulations Mr. Rockwell. It's a boy," the doctor said.

I couldn't help but smile. I have a son. We have a son. She was right...

"Will he be okay?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, but he'll have to spend a couple days in the NICU since he's premature," the doctor said.

I nodded as the three of us exited the operating room, so they could continue working on Savannah.

When I left the room, I headed back to our group of friends.

"It's a boy..." I said.

Everyone smiled and said congratulations but I knew we couldn't be completely happy knowing that Savannah might not be alright. Suddenly Haley pulled me aside and told me something.

"Harry, I have to tell you something," she said hesitantly.

"What is it, Haley?" I asked.

"A couple weeks ago, Savannah told me about a box. The box contains letters to all of us, even the baby. She told me that she wanted something that the baby could remember her by... if she couldn't make it," she said softly.

"What?" I said.

"She told me that she doesn't want you guys to open the letters if it doesn't happen. But I realized that I can't keep this from you. It's not my decision to make," Haley said.

I nodded and said, "Thanks for telling me about it."

After I heard what Haley told me, I needed to be near Savannah. The closest thing I had to her, at the moment, was our son. So I turned the hallway and I headed to the NICU.


"Hey Little Bean..." I said to our child, "I can't wait for you to meet your momma. You'll love her. She has the sweetest soul ever and she will always love us," I say as tears begin to fall from my face. 

Suddenly I heard a notification on my phone. I opened it to see a text from Nate.

The doctor has news on Savannah.

I run back to the operating theater as I await to hear the news.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ♥️♥️

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