Chapter 10

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Savannah's POV:

The next day, I was working my shift at the local café. It was time to close up, when I heard someone come in.

"I'm sorry, we're about to close up..." I started to say.

"I'm not here for coffee," a familiar voice said.

It was Harry.

"What do you want Harry?" I said exasperated.

"I want you. I'm sick of denying my feelings," Harry said.

Wait wait wait. Did he just say feelings? Did he just say he wants me?

"How do I know that this isn't just one of your schemes to embarrass me?" I said being skeptical.

"You don't. You have to trust my word. Meet me at Central Park tomorrow at 6, if you want to explore what we have. If not, then I'll leave you alone and we won't speak of this again."

And with that he leaves. 

I couldn't help but feel conflicted. Harry and I were friends before and maybe he just wanted to fix up the damage he left. Maybe he really does want me. Or it could be another one of his awful pranks and way to make me feel awful. There were so many possibilities, I didn't know what to expect.



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