Chapter 2

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Harry's POV:

The day I met Savannah was a day I could never forget. 

Ten years ago

"Class, please welcome our new student Savannah Thompson!" 

When I looked up, I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I don't even think I've used the word beautiful before. But she was beautiful. I know girls were supposed to have cooties too, but I'm pretty sure she didn't. 

"Hi..." she said to me shyly. 

"Hi, I'm Harry," I said. 

She just nodded and looked away. 

I couldn't get her out of my head. When it was snack time, I came up to her and asked her if she'd like to share cookies with me. I noticed her by herself at a table and couldn't help but notice how no one else was talking to her.

I walked over to her and before I sat down, I said, "Hi."

She looked up to me in surprise, and she softly said hi back.

"Can I sit here?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded, as I asked, "What's your name?"

"Savannah," she said.

Savannah... it was beautiful name. 

"Wanna be my friend?" I asked her.

She smiled at me and said, "Yeah I'd love to be friends with you."

End of flashback 

I smiled, as I thought about it. Savannah and I began talking to each other and soon we became friends and I wish I didn't mess it up. I wish I didn't do what I did to her.

Seven years ago (three years after Savannah and Harry became friends)

"Hey Harry!" I heard Savannah call out to me. 

"Hi Sav!" I replied.

"Did you hear the news?" She said.

"What news?" I prompted curiously. 

"There's a couple new kids at school this year. One's a boy and his name is Chad and the other is a girl and her name is Madeline," Savannah says.

"Are they nice?" I asked.

"I don't know," Savannah says, "I haven't actually talked to them yet. I heard the news from Lily and Ivy."

"Wanna talk to them?" I ask.

"Not right now, I told Lily and Ivy I'd go talk to them," she says.

I walked over to them and Savannah went to go talk to Ivy and Lily on the other side of the playground, while I talked to Chad.

"Hey," I said to him, "I'm Harry."

"I'm Chad," he replies, "Who's the girl you were with?"

"That's my friend Savannah," I say.

"She's pretty," he says.

"Yeah I guess she is," I reply.

"So, do you like Savannah?" He says.

"Of course I like her," I say, "she's my friend." I knew what Chad meant when he asked me if I liked her, but I didn't know if I could trust it with him yet.

"Not like that," he said, "Do you like like her?" 

I was conflicted on whether to answer that. "No I don't. Do you?"

"I mean she's pretty, I'm gonna go talk to her" Chad said.

"No don't!" I said to him. 

"Why not? You don't liked her do you?"

"No I don't like her but don't talk to her," I say, getting agitated.

"Oh come on Chad, why would he like her? First of all, he would want to be seen as a social outcast and second, we already established that I'm prettier than her. If anything he'd like me," Madeline said.

I scrunched my face at her and said, "I don't like you either. But don't talk to her. She's not that pretty anyway! She's ugly and horrible!"

I heard a gasp and saw it was Savannah. She looked at me hurt and ran away. We didn't talk about it again but we could feel ourselves  pulling away from each other ever since then. I knew I didn't deserve her but I missed her. We wouldn't talk anymore so being rude to her was our only interactions we had left.



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