Chapter 14

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Savannah's POV:

"Guys, do you know what you're wearing yet?" I asked exasperated.

"I'm being a spy," says Ivy.

"I'm gonna be a fairy lol. Girly I know," says Lily.

"Ughh I don't know what to be," I say, "Hold on, my phone is ringing."

It was Harry and I couldn't answer it in front of Lily and Ivy.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom to answer it. It's my mom, she's telling me where she left the spare keys since I lost mine," I say.

"Okay," they say.

I head to the bathroom and answer the call.

"Hi baby," I say, "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking Angel. I would way rather be with you instead of Linc and Jess." He says.

"What are you guys doing now?" I asked.

"We're going costume shopping." He responds

"Really? Lol, the girls and I are figuring out what to wear too,"  I say amusingly, "Do you know what you wanna be yet?"

"I'm thinking of going as the devil, honestly. The costume looks pretty cool."

"Ohhh, yess, I have an idea. What if I go as an Angel while you be the Devil? It's like a couple's costume but slightly different enough that our friends won't notice!" I say excitedly.

"Sav, I will never wear a couple's costume," Harry said determinedly.

"C'mon Harry. For me pleaseee?" I say in my most adorable voice.

"Fineee", he says.

"Thank you babe," I say, "I better get going before the girls get suspicious." I say.

"Okay see you at party, bye." He says

"Bye babe."




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