Chapter 35

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Harry's POV:

When I got home today, Savannah wasn't home. That was odd. She was usually home all day on Mondays and she didn't mention going anywhere earlier when we had lunch. 

"Savannah?" I called out through out the house.

There was no response.

I checked throughout the house. She wasn't home. I tried calling her phone but there was no response. I was getting worried. Where was she?

Savannah's POV:

A couple hours earlier

That sharp pain throughout my lower abdomen lasted for about ten minutes. I didn't know what to do. I've never had a pain like that before. By the time it passed, I was on the floor barely conscious and it felt like it was slowly killing me.

I trusted my gut and decided to visit the doctor. I had an appointment scheduled in a couple days, but I called to see if I could move it up today. The secretary said sure, just in a couple hours. It was already 2 pm. Harry would be home at 6, but the appointment starts at 5. I sighed. I didn't want to let Harry know because he would be overly concerned and I don't wanna be an extra issue for him.


I left the house at 4:45 and I was currently sitting in the waiting room. I turned off my phone so I wouldn't be distracted.

"Savannah Thompson?" The doctor called.

I quickly stood up and headed to the office. The doctor gave me my regular check up (height, weight, temperature, etc.) and then asked me,

"Any particular reason you asked to move up your appointment?"

I explained to him what happened to me earlier and he looked at his charts and told me that he had to run a couple tests on me and ask me some questions. The doctor took my blood and urine. He asked me a couple of questions but one of them sticked out to me.

"Did anyone in your family have any type of illnesses? Specifically cancer?"

The question stopped me in my tracks. My grandma passed due to breast cancer and my mom fought leukemia when I was about 8. Oh my god.

"Uh, um yes. My maternal grandmother died due to bre- breast cancer and m- my mom used to have leu- leukemia," I stuttered, nervously on what could've happened to me.

The doctor sighed and said, 

"I should have your results in a couple days. That's all for now Ms. Thompson."

I left the hospital and as I was walking home, I couldn't help but cry. What if I had cancer too? What if I won't make it? All my thoughts came to a halt when I realized something. Oh my god... Harry. How would he react to this? What am I gonna do? I have my whole life in front of me. I sobbed quietly as I walked home.

As I reached my neighborhood, I turned my phone back on and saw 9+ missed calls from Harry and 9+ messages, it was already 6:45. I wiped away my tears as I reached our doorstep. My hands were trembling as I put in the key. When I walked in, I saw Harry in the living room on the phone.

"Hey Ivy, have you seen Savannah? When I got home, she wasn't here. Thanks anyway, I'll try Lily now," he sighed and turned toward me, "Never mind she's home now."

He hung up the phone and walked toward me. He pulled me into a hug and asked,

"Where were you? I was worried sick."

Harry's POV:

I was going crazy when it was already 6:15 and Savannah still wasn't home. She usually left me a note or at least a text when she went somewhere but this time she didn't. I sighed in relief when I saw her. I pulled her into a hug and asked where she had been.

"Oh um, I was at the doctors. They moved up my appointment," she said.

I noticed that her eyes were puffy and slightly red.

"Were you crying?" I asked softly.

"Uh no, something just flew into my eyes," she said.

I knew something was up and she was lying but I decided to give her her space on it.

"Wanna get a pizza?" I asked as I changed the subject.

"Yea sure. I'm gonna go upstairs and put on my pajamas," she said as she gave me a peck on my mouth. 

The rest of the night, Savannah was distant. She was worried about something for sure. I didn't want to upset her more, so I gave her space on it.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. ❤️❤️

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