Chapter 48

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Harry's POV:

As I head back to the operating theatre, I couldn't help but get my heart racing. I needed Savannah to be alright. She's the best part of me and I can't lose her. When I got there the doctor was waiting for me as she looked at her charts.

"How is she? What happened?" I rambled.

"Savannah is alright but she kept fading in and out of consciousness while we were performing on her so we had to give her anesthesia. She's alright but we had to put her into a light coma to refrain from any head damage," the doctor said.

I nodded taking in all this information. "Is she gonna wake up soon? Will she be okay when she does wake up?"

"It's up to Savannah to fight through the coma. It may last a couple days but maybe longer. These first couple days are extra risky but from then on, it should be smooth sailing. When Savannah does wake up, she'll most likely be a bit drowsy and tired but that's normal for coma patients. There shouldn't be anything long term wrong for her," the doctor said as she answered my questions.

I nodded. She's gonna be okay. She'll be okay. 

"Can I see her now?" I ask.

"Yes, she's been transferred to room 301. Also Mr. Rockwell, in my experience it helps when you talk to the patient," the doctor said.

I nodded as I rushed to Savannah's new room. There wasn't as many machines as there were in the operating room but there were still a decent amount. I sighed as I sat next to her bed. I took her hand and I started talking to her.

"Hey Sav. You're gonna be alright, okay? Little Bean is fine and you were right," I chuckled, "He's a boy. I don't wanna name him until you wake up. Please wake up soon Sav. We all miss you and we would love to have you back."

I heard a light knocking on the doorway and I saw the group was there.

"Hey..." Ivy began to say, "Will she be alright?"

"Yeah she should be. These first few days are a bit risky but she should be alright," I say.

"Thank god," Lily said.

They all started talking to her and it was calming, but the only thing that was missing was her voice.


A couple days later

"You should be able to take home your son today," the doctor said, "I'll go grab the discharge papers."

I walked into the NICU and I saw Little Bean. 

"Hey there bud

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"Hey there bud. You're coming home with me today. I can't wait to show you your home," I said.

As if he understood what I was saying, a small little smile curled up on his face. 

Soon I signed all the papers and I bought Little Bean home. I layer him down in his crib and just watched him sleep. I wish Savannah could've been here with me. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring. I head downstairs and open the door.

It was Haley.

"Hey Harry," she said, "I heard that you bought the baby home."

"Yeah, just today. He's sleeping right now," I smiled.

"I just wanted to stop by and leave you some of these cookies and let you know that whenever you need babysitting, I'll be there."

"Thanks Haley," I said as she left.


Later that night

I woke up to crying in the middle of the night. I head to the baby's room and I pick him up as I attempted to rock him back to sleep. But he wouldn't stop crying. 

"Are you hungry, little guy?" I said softly.

I tried feeding him with the formula milk I picked up and it seemed to work. I fed him the bottle, burped him, and rocked him back to sleep. I laid him down in the crib and stood over it, watching him sleep.

"I wish your momma could be here with me..." I said softly as I left his room.

A couple hours later (morning)

I got Little Bean dressed in a cute little onesie and fed before I took him to the hospital with me. I wanted him to meet his mom, even if she was asleep. It didn't help that I missed her too. When I got to the hospital, I left Little Bean with Haley for a little, so I could talk to Savannah.

"Hey Sav. I really need you to wake up. Please. I need you. Our friends need you. Please Angel. Our son needs you. He doesn't even have a name yet..." I say as a tear falls down my cheek and I look down.

"Spencer..." a soft voice said.

I immediately look up to see Savannah moving around a bit. 

"What?" I said,

"Spencer. I want to... to name him... Spencer," she says.

"You're awake!" I exclaim as I take her hand and kiss it.

"Of course, " I say as I kiss her forehead, "We'll name him Spencer Rockwell."

"Where... where is he? Where's our baby?" She asked drowsily.

"Hold on. Let's call the doctor first," I say.

"Wait," she says, "I just want it to be the three of us for a while."

"Okay," I say as I leave the room to get Spencer.

"Here he is," I say as I give him to her.

"Hi there little one," she says softly but happily, "I'm your momma."

I couldn't help but shed a tear as she spoke to Spencer. Our little family was finally together again.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter ♥️♥️

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