Chapter 26

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Savannah's POV:

I heard a knock on the door around lunch time and I was surprised when I opened the door. It was Jess and Linc. 

"Hey guys, what're you doing here?"

"We got you donuts and we wanted to say we're sorry about what happened," Jess said.

"Damn, I was rooting for you two," Linc said.

"Can we not talk about him ?" I say, hesitantly.

"My bad," Linc says.

We sit in the living room and we eat the donuts together as they let me vent on how it actually went down in my perspective, rather than the stories the school is coming up with. I still felt that empty gut feeling inside.

After school 

Harry's POV:

Classes were over and I couldn't stand to be at school any minute longer. I was heading to my car, until Chad stopped me. I really wasn't in the mood for him.

"Harry, wait," he said.

"You have one minute before I beat your ass," I threatened.

He sighed and said, "Savannah didn't kiss me. I kissed her without her permission and told her I liked her,"

 I could feel my jaw clench, as he continued, "She tried to push me away but I wouldn't budge, until you came. She pushed me to the floor after you left and yelled at me and said that she loved you, not me. But I want you to know, I didn't actually like her anymore and I didn't want to kiss her either."

"Then why did you? Why did you do all this shit?" I asked angrily.

"It was a set up. Madeline told me that you were bullying her into being with you. And I didn't want that for her-,"


"She got into my head, I mean, you were mean to her almost the entire time I've known you two, and then all of a sudden, you guys are together? I didn't think it added up."

"We were together for FOUR MONTHS before we came out with it. She didn't want to tell anyone because she was worried that people would judge her and I respected that. Why are you telling me now, didn't you do enough damage?"

"Lily and Ivy yelled at me during lunch and I realized that I was wrong and that Savannah was genuinely happy with you and I was the one who was manipulated into doing that."

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I punched him in his face and he fell back a few steps before saying, "I deserve that."

"You deserve a lot more! I broke up with Savannah for no reason, when you were the one who kissed her without her consent and then she saw me kiss Madeline!" 

Linc was right, I didn't know the whole story and I messed everything up. I stormed past him to find Madeline. I found her in the football field and I stormed up to her.

"Harry, are you here to see my cheer practice?" She said in that pathetic voice of hers.

"No, you witch, I'm here to tell you that I am never ever gonna be with you. Your dumb scheme didn't work as well as you thought. Your little accomplice came clean," I sneered.

"Well, it worked well enough because now Savannah and you are broken up and she won't forgive you."

"We'll see," I say, as I walk off to my car.

I open up my phone and I message Savannah.


I'm so so sorry, Sav

I found out what really happened 

Can we talk?


She left me on read and I can't say I blame her. I have to get her back. No matter what it takes.


Thanks for reading!

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