Chapter 31

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Savannah's POV:

Time was flying fast and before we knew it, graduation came and went. All we had was one last summer. Ivy, Lily, Jess, and Linc were all going to the same college, University of Pittsburgh, while Harry and I would branch off to Penn State. We all were still remaining friends and we decided we would visit each other whenever we could. I am really looking forward to becoming an author one day and I was looking at internships, until Harry came into my room.

"Hey Angel," he says.

"Hey babe," I say as he bends down to give me a kiss.

"What're you up to?" He asked.

"Oh, I was just looking through college internships I can do," I say casually.

"That's amazing Savannah," he says happy for me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with our friends," he says.

"I'm down," I say. It's been the longest time since I've been to the beach.

"Okay, let's go," he says excitedly.

At the beach

"Hey girl!" Ivy said as soon as I got there, "I feel like it's been the longest time since we've talked."

"Girl, we literally spoke on the phone last night," I say.

"Oh yeahh, welp race you to the water!" She screams.

"Hey!" I laugh as I run to quickly catch up with her.

Linc joined in with us and yelled, 

"Last one in the water has to pay for the food!" He yells.

Oh no, we all know how much Linc eats. We all dash toward the water and we all created one new memory before we went off to college.

Later on 

"I'm gonna miss this," I say genuinely.

"Yeah I know. I can't believe we're all going off to college soon. I swear, it was yesterday when we first met," Lily says.

"Oh my god, remember the cheese fiasco?" I reminisced, cheerfully.

"God, don't remind me," Ivy said.

"Okay, now I have to know," Jess said, "You three have referenced it so much since freshman year and I've never heard this story."

"Please no," Ivy begged.

"Please yes," Linc chuckled.

"Okay, so basically, the cheese fiasco was when Ivy, Lily, and I went to our first party, during freshman year. Ivy was trying to talk it up with a guy, she thought was cute. And the first thing she said to him was, no, not even a 'hi' or a 'what's up', but a 'do you like cheese?'" I snickered.

Lily and I were laughing so hard, while Ivy glared at us. "That wasn't even the best part. He replied to that with a 'uh, yeah, I guess. What's your name?', which you would think 'oh Ivy still might have a chance' but nope. She responded with, 'um, gouda. Gouda is my favorite cheese.' By then, the guy thought Ivy was crazy and she gave up," Lily added on.

By then, all of us, with the exception of Ivy, were laughing. 

"It wasn't my fault!" Ivy says, in her defense, "I was super nervous and cheese was all I could think of!"

"I'm gonna miss this," Linc said, once we all finished laughing.

We all nod in agreement. We're all sad, well kind of, it's just so hard to realize that we won't see each other as often as we used to anymore. But I knew we were all gonna still stay friends because the type of friendships we have, those are the ones that last lifetimes, and I wouldn't change that for anything.


The group and I made so many new memories over the summer. It was honestly amazing. Harry and I were still close than ever, and I can't believe I was actually worried that we would've fallen apart due to long distance. We all finished packing up our boxes and stuff and we headed out together. We were carpooling since we were heading to the same state and were only 115 miles apart. 

"Well, here's to the future!" I say as we all drive off.


Just to clarify, this is not the ending just yet. I still have some more drama planned (evil laugh). However, I should warn you there will be a time-skip in the next chapter. As always, thanks for reading. ❤️❤️ 

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