Chapter 27

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Savannah's POV:

The weekend passed and it was finally time to return to school. I sighed as my alarm rang, Monday morning and I showered and got ready for the day. I wore my black skinnies, a cropped sweatshirt and my white sneakers. 

When I got to school, I could feel the stares from the back of my head. I shook them off and I walked over to Mr. Stessman's class, so I could ask to switch partners for my assignment. I headed to the staircase, and to my dismay, Harry was there. 

I ignored him and headed up the stairs. I was hoping he was going to a different floor than I, but when I noticed him following me, all the way to the top floor. Well, I didn't want to, but now I have to confront him. 

"What do you want, Harry?" I say, not wasting my time.

"Savannah... I'm sorry-," he started to say.

I didn't want to hear it. I had enough of his bullshit. I leave the staircase and I head to Mr. Stessman's classroom. He kept following me and I heard him call my name. I kept walking and I closed the door, once I entered Mr. Stessman's classroom.


When I left his room, (he allowed me to join Ivy's group), I saw Harry still waiting there for me. 

"Savannah..." he called out.

I ignored him as I kept walking.


That stopped me, I was sick of this.

"You. Don't. Get. To. Call. Me. That. You lost that right the moment you kissed Madeline, the moment you broke up with me without hearing my explanation," I said as I gritted my teeth. 

He was quiet and and I took the opportunity to leave.

Harry's POV:

I screwed up. I messed everything up. I sat in my car, alone. For the first time I could remember, I was crying. I lost Savannah. For the second time. But this time, it hurt more. This time, I had a taste of what it was like to be with her and I lost that. I wasn't about to go back to the old me. The one who thought that bullying Savannah was the only way to get her back. 


Throughout first period, I saw Ivy and Lily giving me glares. I sighed. The minute the bell rang, the two of them headed out, most likely meeting up with Savannah at her locker. I needed them to trust me again. I needed their help winning her back. 

"Ivy! Lily!" I call out.

I can see them look at me from the corner of their eyes but they ignore me. I run up to them and block their path.

"Please," I plead with them, "I need your help getting Savannah back. I know I don't deserve her but I wanna earn her trust back, please."

They look at me, then each other, before Lily begins saying, "I'm sorry Harry, actually I'm not sorry, what you did was an dick move. Ivy and I spent the whole weekend consoling Sav and honestly, your on your own with this one."

"Please..." I say, again.

"Harry, there are no pleases on this. You broke her trust. She risked her entire reputation to be with you and in return, when you see something out of context, you break up with her and then not even five minutes later, kiss another girl, nevertheless Madeline," Ivy adds on.

"I understand," I say, giving in. I step out of their way and they walk off.


After school, I once again sat in my car, thinking. Even though Ivy and Lily didn't agree to help, what they said gave me an idea on how to get Savannah back. If this doesn't work, then it'll really be over.



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