Bonus Chapter

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So this chapter isn't a chapter about their future. This is actually an alternate ending, where Savannah dies when she hemorrhaged. Enjoy!


Harry's POV:

When they took Savannah into the operating theatre, all I could do was cry. My legs gave out on me, as I fell to the floor and praying that both of them would make it out of here alive. I didn't want to focus on a world where she didn't make it, or even our child doesn't make it. 

Once I pulled myself slightly together, I called our friends to let them know what happened. They got here as soon as they could and they tried to get me to think positive, but I honestly didn't know what to think. There were endless possibilities on what could go right or wrong. But all my thoughts faded away once I saw the doctor leave the room. 

"Mr. Rockwell?" The doctor called out.

"Yes, that's me. Is she gone be okay?" I ask frantically.

"We have to do an emergency c- section to give the baby it's best chance of living. We have to help the baby before we can focus on Savannah," the doctor said.

"I want to be there," I said.

The doctor nods and says, "I'll have a nurse bring you some scrubs and bring you in once we're ready."


When I entered the operating room, I couldn't help but gasp. Savannah was hooked up to so many machines and so many people were working on her, I couldn't focus. But I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a baby crying.

"Congratulations Mr. Rockwell. It's a boy," the doctor said.

I couldn't help but smile. I have a son. We have a son. She was right...

As soon as the doctor handed me our son, I began to hear a loud, single beeping noise from the machine. 

"What's happening to her?!" I asked frantically.

The doctors wouldn't answer me and they just had a nurse walk me out. It killed me that I couldn't be in there, helping her fight through this. Once we left the operating room, the nurse took our son to the NICU to make sure I was okay. It was killing me that I was separated from the both of them. All I wanted was for them to be okay.

Doctor's POV:

There was a long beep after we completed the c- section, and we all knew what that meant. I signaled for the nurse to take Mr. Rockwell and "She's crashing!" The nurse yelled. I rush toward the patient to check her pulse. It was getting weaker and weaker.

"She's going into cardiac arrest! Grab the paddles!" I say.

I get handed the paddles and prepare to resuscitate her.

"3 2 1. Clear!" I say as I put the paddles on her.

"Charge it to 120 volts!" I say.

"3 2 1. Clear!" I yell. She still didn't resuscitate.

"Final charge. Charge it to 200 volts!" I say.

"3 2 1. Clear!" 

"C'mon Savannah, c'mon. Come through," I say to myself. The room is quiet and all you can hear is that one long beep. 

I sigh, "Time of death: 11:59"

I walk out to the waiting room, as her friends and husband awaited the news of her condition. I sigh as I begin to tell them,

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