Chapter 19 (the real one lol)

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Savannah's POV:

A couple days later, I met up with the girls for dinner. We had decided to get Chinese and we were just reminiscing all of our favorite memories along the years. All of a sudden, Ivy said,

"I have something to tell you... please don't be mad at me,"

"Okay," I said slowly and nervously.

"IlikeLincandwe'rekindofdatingnow," Ivy said super quickly.

"Wait slow down, I did not understand a word you just said lol," I say.

Ivy takes a deep breath and says, "I like Linc and we're dating now."

Before I could respond, Lily quickly chimed in, "I'm dating Jess too..."

They both looked at me nervously, waiting to see how I would react.

"Wait really?! That's amazing! I've been shipping you and Linc for so long!" I say as I looked at Ivy, before turning to Lily, "I've also been meaning to give you a good word for Jess, but I guess I don't need to anymore" I say while chuckling.

They both looked relieved when I reacted that way. "Wait, why would I be mad?" I asked.

"We thought that since Linc and Jess were Harry's best friends, you would feel like we're betraying you..." said Ivy.

"Of course not! You guys are my best friends and I would never judge you for who you date" I say.

"Thank god! Group hug time!" Said Lily as she pulled us all in. 

About 2 months later

Savannah's POV:

Harry and I have been going strong for another two months. It's been amazing honestly. I still feel guilty for not telling my friends though. Harry and I have a casual date at the diner today. 

As we were talking, someone approached us. It was Linc. Oh no.

"Hey what are you guys doing here... and together ?" He asked confused.

Harry and I looked at each other wondering what to do, until Linc kept talking,

"Oh my god, you guys are totally dating! (Loud, dramatic gasp) I can't wait to tell everyone!" He exclaims.

Harry drags him out, (gently, ya know), to the parking lot and I quickly follow.

"You can't tell anyone!" He exclaims.

"But-," Linc tries to start, but Harry playfully punches him.

"Hey! I bruise easily ya know!" He says.

Harry and I roll our eyes.

"Fine, I won't tell anyone. But can I ask a question?" Linc says.

"What?" We said exasperatedly.

"Is it better when you bone someone you hate?" He asks.

"H, punch him again." I say.

"Hey! Wait no! I'm sorry!" He exclaims, as he runs off as Harry chases after him. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw them and it got me thinking, maybe it was finally time to tell our friends.

Harry's apartment 

"Harry?" I ask.

"Yes, Angel?" He replies 

"Do you want to tell people about us? I mean Linc already knows, so we might as well tell everyone else, right?" I ask.

"Are you okay with it? I'm fine with it, but are you?"

"I think it's time." I say.


People are gonna find out soon... hope you've enjoyed the chapter ❤️❤️

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