Chapter 33

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Harry's POV:

It was our anniversary and I had planned a series of events just to make the day amazing for her. She looked beautiful as she slept. Sure, she lightly snored but I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I love her and I don't think I'll ever stop. I don't think she can even imagine how proud of her I was when she told me that she got a publisher to help her work on her book. I know where ever my life ends up, she'll be the constant. She'll be the one thing that will never change.

I sneaked out of our house, awaiting the moment she would wake up and find the series of clues I set up, until she would find the final destination. The place where I would propose to her.

Savannah's POV:

"Hi Harry," I said groggily, by instinct, when I woke up. To my surprise he wasn't there. When I looked toward his side of the bed, I saw breakfast in a tray and a note. 

Hi Angel,

                  As  you can tell, I'm not here with you. I have a surprise for you at the end but before you can get to it, you have to get through all the clues. Your first clue is to follow the red string until you reach the next clue. It's going to be a wonderful day, so I suggest you get eat, and head out to find the next clue in the house. I love you.

Always and forever, Harry ❤️

I giggle as I read the note. Oh Harry, what are you up to this time? I wonder curiously. Well, better get started!

After a while

I followed the red string toward our closet. It was heading toward where my section of my dresses were. I shuffle through the clothes, until I can find the note and a new dress.

Ta da I've bought you a new dress! Get dressed and keep following the red string to the the next clue.

The dress Harry gave me was a navy blue, slinky asymmetric body con dress with thin spaghetti straps. It was beautiful and most likely expensive, too. I smile as I get dressed. I pair the dress with my large, thin silver hoop earrings, my black stilettos, some light natural makeup, and my hair, wavy and out.

 I pair the dress with my large, thin silver hoop earrings, my black stilettos, some light natural makeup, and my hair, wavy and out

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I follow the red string downstairs and I see another note on the mantle.

Head out to the place where we became one for the first time.

The place where we became one? That could be a lot of places. Harry's apartment, the roof, or... Central Park! He's probably talking about where we confessed our feeling for each other for the first time!

I head to Central Park and when I reach the place where we confessed our feelings, I see Ivy and Lily with a bouquet of roses.

"Ivy? Lily?" I say surprised, "What are you doing here? Do you know what Harry's planning?"

Ivy hands me the roses, and says, 

"Head to the place where he gave you your first date."

"You're not even gonna give a hint?" I say, seeing if I can get something out of them.

"Head to the place where he gave you your first date," Lily repeats.

I head toward Harry's old apartment building and go head toward the roof. Once I reached the roof, I was rendered speechless. It was like our first date all over again. It looked just as beautiful as before, if not more. Once I see Harry, all the thoughts in my head came to a halt.

He was on one knee, holding a ring box.

I slowly walk toward him. 

"Harry?" I practically whispered.

"The moment I met you, Savannah, I knew I had know you. I wasted so many years of my life, where we could've gotten together earlier. That was my greatest regret. My greatest decision I ever made was confessing my feelings for you. We've made so many beautiful memories over the years and I can't imagine my life without you, Savannah. You're my Angel. You've bought light into my life and I don't know what I would do without you. I love you, Savannah. That's the simplest way I could put how I feel about you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? Will you be mine forever?" He says.

There are tears in my eyes, as I scream, "YESS! Of course I'll marry you!"

"I love you, Savannah," Harry says before he pulls me into a kiss.

"I love you, too," I say.


Hope you've enjoyed the chapter! ❤️❤️

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