Chapter 23

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Harry's POV:

Before I went up to my room, to Savannah, I was with my dad in the living room.

"So what did you think of Savannah?" I asked. I know I didn't need his approval to date anyone, but I still wanted to see what he thought of her.

I knew some people doubted my love for her because of how I treated her in the past. Ivy was one of those people, and I can't say that I was surprised. 


(When Harry and Savannah went public about their relationship)

"Hey Harry!" I hear someone call me as I rummaged through my locker.

To my surprise, it was Ivy. 

"Hey Ivy," I said kind of confused, "What's up?"

"I honestly need to know if your stringing around Savannah or just playing with her," she says straight to the point.

I sigh as I say,

"Look Ivy, I know I haven't treated Savannah the best-," until I get interrupted.

"The best?! You degraded her Harry! You made her feel horrible about herself and she's cried and been upset about how you've treated her so many times over the years, it's unbelievable. Do you even know what her favorite color is? Song? Things to eat? Do you know anything about her at all?!" Ivy ranted.

I felt my jaw clench as she said those things. I knew she was just trying to protect Savannah, and I get it, but her thinking I knew nothing about Savannah had my blood boiling. I wanted to yell back at her, but I knew that's not what Savannah would've wanted me to do. I took a deep breath and said, 

"Her favorite color is lavender. I know because she loves wearing it and she loves anything lavender. Her favorite song is Diana by One Direction. Half the time she's humming it, and I don't even think she notices. She loves that song because of how special it makes her feel. Her favorite food is Italian. I may not have been nice to Savannah but I knew more about her than I knew about myself," I confessed.

Ivy sighs and says, "Fine. I can see that you actually care about her too but if you hurt her, I will come after you so fast."

I chuckle and I say, "I won't. Loving her is the best part of me."

She nods and we head our own ways. Since then, she's been more comfortable about me and Savannah being with me and I was proud that I proved myself to her.

End of flashback

"She's wonderful son. She's absolutely perfect for you," Dad said.

"Thanks Dad," I said, happy of his approval.

"I do have one question though," he said, "I remember when you were about 10 or 11, you asked me how to get a girl's attention, and I told you, you had to do something for her. Then I remember the next day, I got a call from your school, saying you pulled a girl's hair. That girl was Savannah, wasn't she?"

"Uh yea," I admitted, looking back, I noticed how much an ass I was to her, "It was. I may have been an ass to her before but I truly do love her. I missed her over the years after our friendship broke off, but we made it."

"I'm happy for you son," Dad said.

"Thanks again Dad," I say.

Savannah's POV:

It's been quite fun hanging out with Harry's family. His parents are really kind and his sister is near our age, so we're able to relate and talk about a lot of things. Plus it's always nice having someone to give me dirt on Harry (evil smile).

Last night's dinner was actually really fun as well. We all got to know each other, we talked about our favorite memories, and they made me feel as if they were my second family. They were just truly amazing. I was currently in Harry's room as I looked around and saw his photos, his old toys and just the room he grew up in. 

*knock on the door*

"Come in," I said to whoever was on the opposite side of the door.

It was Harry and I chuckled as I said,

"I'm pretty sure you don't have to knock if it's your room."

He laughed and said, "I wanted to show you something."

He pulled out a box from his closet and handed it to me. When I opened it I was just speechless. It was filled with Valentine's Day  cards that were all addressed to me. I looked at him in awe.

"Even though I may have been mean to you on the outside, I always knew that you were gonna be the love of my life. Every year since I met you, I wrote you a Valentine's Day card, even though I never sent them," he said.

I was honestly so shocked and felt so appreciated at the same time. 

"I love you," I said before I pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you too," he says.



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