Chapter 38

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Later that day

Savannah's POV 

"We didn't even get to choose their name yet," I said sniffling, "I was thinking maybe Aviana for a girl or Spencer for a boy."

"Savannah..." Harry started to say, "You could die if you have this baby."

"I know but this child, it's me and it's you combined, and it's us. I'm having this baby Harry," I say as I exit the room again.

-A couple hours later-

I was walking near the nursery when I noticed Harry inside of it. I peaked through the doorway to see what he was doing. He was taking down the pictures on the wall.

"Harry Rockwell! What do you think you're doing?!" I yell.

"It was too early, Savannah," Harry said softly.

"I know you want to... take away this child, but I'm not going to do that. Please Harry, it's our child!" I say.

"Savannah, please," Harry begs, "I can't lose you!"

"You won't lose me!" I say.

"How do you think I'm going to feel about the child that took you away from me?!" Harry yells.

There it is. That's what he's so afraid of.

"I know you Harry," I say softly, "I know you, Harry. I know that no matter how much you think you will now, you would never resent our child if it took me away," I say as I put my hand on his cheek. I wipe away a tear that falls from his eyes.

"How- How would I raise a child without you?" He says, "Savannah, I don't wanna lose you," he cries.

"As long as I can help it, I will never leave you and our child," I say, "If I do leave you guys, you'll have all of our friends to help you through it. They'll all be here for you. I promise."

I pull Harry into a hug and tell him, 

"I'm having this baby Harry."

"We," he corrects, "We are having this baby."

I suddenly feel something in my stomach. Harry notices and quickly sits me down on the rocker.

"Are you okay? Did it pass? Hold on, I'll go call an ambulance," Harry rambles.

"I'm fine, Harry. It's the baby, it's kicking," I say. I take his hand and let it rest on the bump.

He laughs and says, "That's our child."

-A couple days later-

It's been a couple days and Harry won't even let me out of bed. 

"Harry! I still have work to do, you know!" I say very annoyed.

"C'mon Savannah," Harry says, "You know, you have to take it easy."

"I'm bored out of my mind and I'm tired of being in bed all the time-," I start to say, until I feel something coming up. Ugh morning sickness. I quickly run to the bedroom and hold my head in front of the toilet. I keep throwing up, while Harry holds my hair back and rubs my back. After a while, it stops and I flush the toilet and get some mouthwash. 

"I hate morning sickness," I say groggily.

"I know, baby, I know," Harry coos.

As Harry was walking me back to bed, I stop. Oh no. Not now please. Gahhhhh. I felt another one of those sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I almost fall to the ground again, but Harry catches me.

"Harry..." I whimper, "AHHHHHH, it... it hurts more than... more than usual," I try to say.

I try to stay awake but the darkness over takes me...

"SAVANNAH!" I hear before I drift asleep.

Harry's POV 

"Savannah! C'mon, Savannah, wake up! The ambulance is here, c'mon please! Savannah! Wake up!" I cry.

I notice her eyelids flutter a little. C'mon Savannah. C'mon, wake up please. Her eyes slowly open. I sigh in relief. The EMTs and paramedics took her from me and lied her down on the stretcher. I ride with them in the ambulance and call our friends. It's time to tell them about Savannah.


When they were all in the waiting room, I head out and tell them about Savannah. 

"What happened to her?" Ivy asked.

"What's wrong with her?" Haley asked.

"Savannah... Savannah's pregnant," I say.

"Congratulations man!" Linc says.

"Oh my god! That's great!" Lily exclaims.

Jess pulls me into a hug and I give a small smile.

"Wait, why are you so sad?" Nate, Haley's husband, questions.

"There's more," I say softly, "Savannah has placenta previa."

Haley gasps. Lily and Ivy had shocked looks.

"Wait what does that mean? She's going to be ok, right?" They all question.

"Her condition means she can hemorrhage, or bleed out, during the pregnancy or birth..." I say.

"What's gonna happen to her?" Ivy says quietly.

"If everything goes well, then both her and the baby will be alright," I say.

"C'mon Harry, what if it doesn't go well?" Haley asks, the fear dripping out of her voice.

"We could lose her. And the baby..." I say softly as tears drop from my face.

The girls all start crying and weeping, while the boys were shocked and upset.

The doctor comes out and says Savannah's awake. I sigh in relief. 

"C'mon, let's go see her," I say.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. ❤️❤️

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