Chapter 22

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Savannah's POV:

Ever since Harry met my parents, he's been more comfortable to come around more. We planned for me to see Harry's parents in a couple days since it's Mid Winter Recess at school. We decided that when school is over, we would go down to the Hamptons for a couple of days. I've been so nervous to see Harry's parents again. What if they won't like me? 


"H, what if your parents don't like me?" I asked nervously.

"Angel, there's not any reason for them not to like you. If anything, they'll love you," he says as he leans over to give me a kiss.

Harry's POV:

I knew Savannah was really nervous about meeting my parents. But there wasn't any reason for her to be. I knew they would instantly love her. If anything, I was worried that they would tell her or show her something that's super embarrassing. 

As we were nearing the house, I looked over next to me to see Savannah sleeping. I chuckled, she looked the cutest while she was dozing off.

"Angel..." I whispered, "Angel wake up, we're almost here."

"Hmph," Savannah jumped awake, "I'm awake!"

I laughed, as I exited the car and went over to her side to open the door. 

"C'mon," I said, reaching my hand out.

She took my hand and we started walking toward the house. When we got inside the house, I saw my mom eagerly awaiting us,

"Hi Mom," I said, as I pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Harry," she says, "You look so skinny, have you been eating?"

"Yes Mom, I have been. Enough about me, I want you to see someone," I say as I'm about to reintroduce Savannah.

Before I can even say a word, my mom says,

"Oh my, you must be Savannah! Harry has told me all about you! You grew up to be so beautiful, honey!" She said eagerly.

"Hi Mrs. Rockwell, how have you been?" Savannah says politely.

"Enough of these formalities, call me Amy. I've been well, thank you for asking dear," my mom says before she turns to me, "Why didn't you tell me how beautiful she is?"

Savannah smiles and I just say,

"It's indescribable how beautiful she is,"

Savannah blushes and I say,

"Mom, where's Dad?"

"Oh right, your father. Jake, get down here! Harry and his beautiful girlfriend are here!" She exclaims.

As my dad walks down the stairs, I go up to him and hug him.

"Hey Dad, it's been awhile," I say.

"How are you son?" Dad asks.

"I'm good," I start to say, "I want you to meet my girlfriend, Savannah."

"Hi Mr. Rockwell," Savannah says happily.

"Call me Jake," he says, "It's nice to see you again, Savannah."

"It's been nice meeting you too, Amy and Jake," she says.

"Okay, go unpack hon," my mom starts to say, "I've set you and Savannah up in your room and your sister is coming home, at around 7, to have dinner."

"Okay Mom, we'll see you at dinner," I say.

As Savannah and I were heading upstairs, I pulled her close and said, 

"I told you, you didn't have to worry. They already love you."



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