Chapter 37

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8 weeks later

Savannah's POV

Harry, Little Bean, and I have been closer than ever. I haven't told Harry about that pain I had a couple weeks ago though. I don't think it's been that bad, since it only happened once. Harry had a surprise for me today and I can't wait. I was about eleven or twelve weeks far along. We already told our parents, and we plan on telling our friends soon.

I wrapped my arms around my mini bump on our bed and talked to he/she,

"Hey Little Bean, dada's gonna show momma a surprise today. I love you."

"C'mon Savannah," Harry says, as I stand up. He covers my eyes and he directs me to a room in our house.

Suddenly I felt that sharp pain in my lower abdomen again. I instantly fell to the ground, but before I could hit it, Harry catches me. I yelp out in pain instantly.

"Savannah!" Harry yelled.

Harry's POV

I don't know what happened. One minute, I was walking Savannah toward the surprise, the next minute, she fell to the ground in pain. After a couple minutes Savannah said,

"It's fine now. It passed," she sighed in relief, her hands still clutched around her stomach. 

"C'mon Sav, we're going to the doctor," I say.

"No, it's ok Harry. I'm fine," she protested.

"No, you aren't. I'm sorry Savannah, but this isn't up for discussion," I say.

She hesitantly nods and we head for the hospital.

At the hospital 

Savannah's POV

"So any reason you came in today?" Dr. Wilson asked.

"I don't know what happened honestly. One moment I was fine, the next I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen," I say.

Dr. Wilson listens carefully, jots something on his clipboard, and says,

"I need to test a series of tests on you, Savannah. These will be short tests and you will be able to get your results today," Dr. Wilson says.

I nod and we follow him into another room.

About 20 minutes later

"Okay I have your results from the tests, Savannah," Dr. Wilson said, "I'm afraid to say that Savannah has placenta previa."

"What does that mean?" Harry asks nervously.

"It means that Savannah has the risk of hemorrhaging, or bleeding out, during the pregnancy since her placenta isn't providing enough nutrients for the baby and herself. If the pregnancy runs it's normal course, then both mother and child will be fine,"  Dr. Wilson said.

"W- What happens if it doe- doesn't go smoothly?" I stuttered as I softly cried.

Dr. Wilson took a deep breath and said, "You can die, lose the baby, or even both..."

That was it. My fate just handed to me. I sobbed as I heard this. Harry instantly pulled me into his arms.

"Are there any treatments Savannah can take?" Harry asked softly.

"Placenta previa isn't very common among pregnancies. There aren't many things you can do to stop it. I would recommend bed rest for Savannah. There is also the choice to abort the child. It won't affect future pregnancies at all. I'll give you a few days to consider your options," the doctor said.

"Thank you Dr. Wilson," Harry said as he ushered me out. I couldn't stop crying while we drove home.

When we reached our home, I told Harry I wanted to see the surprise he planned. 

"Savannah, I don't think it's a good idea..." Harry said.

"I want to see it," I said persistently.

Harry sighed and took me up stairs. I was speechless. It was our former spare room, that was transformed into a nursery. It had a white crib, with pale grey walls that had picture frames up on the walls. There was a soft rocker in the corner, a dresser, and it was gender neutral, since we planned  to have the gender a surprise. On the dresser, there was a series of stuffed animals and onesies for the babies. One that said, "I Love You, Momma". I sobbed quietly as I saw it.

 I sobbed quietly as I saw it

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"Savannah..." Harry started to say.

"I- I just need a mi- minute," I said in between sobs, as I left the room.


Just wanted to disclose, I'm not a doctor. Everything I write about medical conditions is based on what I know. Some things may be incorrect and I apologize in advance. Anyways, hope you've enjoyed the chapter. ❤️❤️

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