Chapter 43

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Savannah's POV:

It was a couple days since Harry and I had out talk. We decided we would ask our doctor at our next ultrasound, which was in a couple days. I was excited to see our Little Bean, even if they weren't so little anymore. 


Harry and I were cuddling on the couch together. It was a about 2 weeks after we found out I was pregnant. We were both overjoyed with the news and couldn't wait to meet our baby.

"Hey Little Bean..." Harry cooed to my belly.

"Little Bean?" I said skeptically.

"Yeah, I figured since we wanna keep the gender a surprise, and you're about 8 weeks pregnant. I read that the baby at this time would be the size of a bean," Harry said.

"Okay, I guess," I chuckled, "Little Bean it is."

End of flashback 

Harry came into our bedroom and snuggled up close to me.

"Hey Angel, I have a free day today since there are being repairs to the office, so how about we spend the day watching The Office?" He said.

"Is that really a question?" I chuckle, "Of course, I'd love to spend the day with you and Micheal Scott."

And that's what we did. We've been having pretty calm days lately but it was more like a calm before the storm. It honestly seemed a bit too good to be true. 

The day of the ultrasound 

I was super tired on the day of the ultrasound. Even though, it would be the first time out of the house in a couple months, I was exhausted from all the kicking Little Bean was doing. Our appointment was at 12 pm so I took a shower and got ready. I threw on my black maternity leggings, with a black tank top, and an tan brown open cardigan.

I pulled my hair back in a ponytail with a couple loose strands in the front, grabbed my shoes and waited for Harry to get ready as well

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I pulled my hair back in a ponytail with a couple loose strands in the front, grabbed my shoes and waited for Harry to get ready as well.

When I went outside, it was literally like Harry went in ultra protective mode. He constantly kept asking if I was feeling okay or if I wanted to take a break. It was actually kind of funny. 

"Harry, we're literally just walking to our car," I say.

He laughs and says, "I just want you and Little Bean to be safe."

"I know," I say calmly, "But do you mind picking up the pace a little. We're going slower than a tortoise."

"Okay fine," he says.

As we drive to the doctors office, I look out the window. It was practically the end of spring and I could see the cherry blossoms on the trees begin to grow actual cherries. Once we got to the clinic, Harry helped me out of the car and we got to the building. As we were waiting in the waiting room, I noticed the magazines laid out on the table. I picked one up and the title was, "American Baby". I read it as we waited for the doctor.

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