Chapter 44

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About 4 weeks later

The day before the wedding

Harry's POV:

"Do I really have to leave?" I groan to the girls.

"Yes. Yes you do," Ivy said matter-of-factily.

"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," Lily chuckled.

"Fineee," I said unhappily, "At least lemme say goodbye to Savannah."

"Go ahead," Haley said.

I head upstairs to our bedroom to find Savannah in a beautiful bride- to- be robe, looking out the window, zoned out.

I walk in her direction and wrap my arms around her bump. She pulls herself out of her thoughts and nuzzles her face into me. 

"You look beautiful..." I say softly.

"Thank you Harry," she says.

"I still don't understand why I can't stay," I grumble.

She laughs and says, "It's tradition."

"I'm gonna miss you," I say,

"I'll miss you too. But on the bright side, tomorrow I'll be Mrs. Rockwell," she says.

"Mmm, I like that. Say it again," I say.

"Mrs. Rockwell..." she taunts.


Savannah's POV:

Once Harry left, Haley brought me downstairs and I saw tons of streamers on the wall and those plastic tiaras everywhere. They sat me down on the couch and placed a tiara on my head. I laughed and had the time of my life. We had sparkling cider and cupcakes and we got a nail artist and masseuse to come over. We all got our nails done and got massages soon after. It was a nice relaxing day.

 It was a nice relaxing day

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I got the girls settled into the spare rooms and as I was heading to bed, I heard my phone ring. It was Harry. I chuckled as I pick it up.

"Technically, I'm not breaking the rules," Harry said.

I laugh and say, "We'll keep this between us."

"How was your day, Angel? Did you have fun?" He cooed.

"I had an amazing time. I got my nails done, I had cupcakes, and I finally got a back massage," I say.

He laughs, "I'm glad you had fun Angel."

"What did you do today?" I asked.

"The boys and I just talked, watched sports, and ate, honestly."

"Did Little Bean give you any trouble today?" Harry asked.

"No, he was actually really calm today," I say.

"He, huh?"

"Yep. Call it a mother's instinct," I chuckled.

"We'll see..." Harry said.

"I can't believe I'm finally gonna be a Rockwell," I say.

"You were always a Rockwell, Sav. From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to make you mine," Harry said.

I gushed at his words, "I love you," I say.

"I love you too Sav. Always and forever," Harry said. 


Third Person's POV:

When Savannah woke that morning, she felt overwhelmingly happy. She was finally gonna get married. The girls all headed for the venue to get ready. The girls helped Savannah get ready as she was zoning out. She was finally marrying the love of her life and she couldn't wait. She got her hair done, her dress was fitted and ready for her, and she was ready. While she was getting ready, Ivy bought her something in a small, but long velvet box.

"What's this?" Savannah asked curiously.

"It's a gift from Harry. He handed it to me before he left and told me to give it you today," she said.

As Savannah opened the box, she was surprised. It was rose gold diamond necklace. She was surprised and couldn't help but laugh at the irony.

Meanwhile, when Harry woke up, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace

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Meanwhile, when Harry woke up, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. He was finally gonna marry the love of his life, the girl he's been in love with since he was 7. The boys and Harry got dressed in their pressed suits and got ready. As Harry was getting ready, Linc handed him a square leather box. 

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"Savannah gave this to me for you."

Harry opened it to see a black Calvin Klein's watch. He smirked at the irony.

Jess came in, as Harry was putting on the watch, "Harry, it's time

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Jess came in, as Harry was putting on the watch, "Harry, it's time."

Harry smiled and began to walk out to the altar. 

Meanwhile in Savannah's room, her father was getting ready to walk Savannah down the aisle.

He knocked on the door and heard a 'come in.'

"Wow Sav. You look beautiful," he said.

"Thanks Dad," she said.

"God, you're gonna make me cry. My baby girl is all grown up," her father said.

"Dad, if you cry, I'm gonna cry, than Ivy's gonna kill me for messing up my makeup," Savannah chuckled.

Her father laughs, takes a deep breath, extends out his arm and says, "Are you ready?"

Savannah takes his arm and says, "I'm ready."



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