Chapter 12

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Savannah's POV:

This last week has been amazing. Harry and I are finally official and he's even better to me than I fantasized. I've been so happy lately. 

I was walking toward my locker, when I got pulled into the storage room.

"Guess who?" Harry says.

"Hmmmmm, I don't know..." I said playing along, "Hi Harry."

"Hi Angel," he says as he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Mmm, I love when you call me Angel..." I say in between our kisses.

He pulls me in for another kiss. My heart was racing as my knees started get weaker. All I could think about was how soft his lips were against my mouth and how he invaded all my senses. Every breath I took smelt of Harry and it was addictive. The intensity of the kiss made me pull him impossibly closer to me. 

I slowly opened my mouth, allowing access for his tongue to enter. I moaned in his mouth as I felt it against mine, exploring every corner of my mouth. 

We slowly pull away and put out heads against each other, breathing heavily. 

"That was... amazing," I said.

He pulls me in for another one, but I stop before it gets to far.

"Mmm, as much as I would love to continue, I have to get to class." I say breathless.

"Okay Angel, I'll see you later," He says

I give him a quick peck on his mouth and head out to class.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ❤️❤️

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