Chapter 25

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Harry's POV:

"Harry! Harry?" I hear Savannah call to me.

I was fuming and I stopped. "What?" I said curtly, putting my guard up.

"Please let me explain, this was a set up. Just-, Can we just talk, just you and me?"

"I honestly don't know how you can explain sticking your tongue down Chad's throat. We're over."


Before both of us knew it, Madeline came up to me and kissed me. Savannah's tears started pouring and she ran off. 

"What are you doing?!" I said, as I push Madeline off of me.

"I'm kissing you," she said in that snarky voice of hers.

"I obviously know that, why are you kissing me?" I say.

"I know you want me-," she snidely said,

"I don't want you! God, get away from me, you witch!" I say, as I storm off.

I couldn't believe this. Savannah kissed Chad. We broke up. She saw Madeline kiss me. God, this was a mess. We were over. She cheated on me, on the same guy that caused me to ruin our friendship. All of these thoughts crowded around my head.

After school

Savannah's POV: 

When I finally got home, my parents weren't home, which was good because I didn't want them to see me like this. I changed my clothes into my pajamas and laid down and cried. I couldn't believe what just happened. Harry broke up with me and not even five minutes later, his tongue was down Madeline's throat.

I turned on my speakers and connected my comfort Spotify playlist. "Don't Let It Break Your Heart" by Louis Tomlinson was playing and as I heard the lyrics, I couldn't help but cry more. I opened my group chat with the girls to tell them what happened.


Hey guys...

Lily 🧸

We heard what happened Sav

Ivy 🔥

I'm gonna beat that boy black and blue, I swear. I warned him


does the whole school know?

Lily 🧸

yeah... but it'll die down by the time Monday comes

Ivy 🔥 

Do you want us to come over?


Yeah sure...

Lily 🧸

We'll be there in ten xx

I turn off my phone and I just lie in bed, thinking. I heard the door open and Lily and Ivy came in. I started crying and saying, "He hates me," and "Was it all a joke?" And other incoherent thoughts as they held me and let me cry. I soon fall asleep, with dried tears, and a cup of tea, Ivy made me.

Ivy's POV:

"I'm gonna murder that boy," I say to Lily, quietly, not to disturb Savannah sleeping.

"I can't believe him," Lily said, "He didn't even realize that Chad kissed Sav, not the other way around and it was a set up, and he just moved on with that witch, Madeline."

I nodded in agreement, Lily and I left a note for Savannah and said we'd come to pick her up for school tomorrow, and we headed out.


The next day

Savannah's POV:

"Mom, can I skip school today?" I asked, "Most of the day, I have free periods and I'll get notes from Ivy and Lily for the classes I do miss."

"Why do you want to skip classes today? Are you feeling sick?" She asked, concerned.

 "I'm not sick but I've just been having a bad week," I say, hoping she'll understand.

"Alright, but just this once," Mom says, "Your Dad is out at work today and I'll have to leave to go to the office today, do you want me to call in sick?"

"No, it's alright," I say.

"Okay, sweets, call me if you need anything. I love you," Mom says.

"Love you too," I say, as she leaves.

A few minutes later, I hear the door knock and I see Ivy and Lily at the door.

"I'm not going to school today," I say. They look a bit worried for me, but tell me, that they understand and they'll see me after school.

At school 

Harry's POV:

I felt so upset and mad. I didn't see Savannah by her locker today, not that it mattered anyway. But it definitely didn't help with my mood. I was snapping at everyone, even if they didn't do anything to me. 

Before first period started, I noticed Ivy storming up to me, with Linc after her. Before I knew it, I felt a hard smack on my cheek.

"What the fuck?" I snapped.

"I warned you what would happen if you hurt her!" She screamed at me. I could see her getting ready to hit me again before Linc stood in front of her.

"Move it Linc! I'm about to show this ass what happens when he messes with Savannah!" She yells. When he wouldn't budge, she pushed past him and said, "You never deserved her," in a cold manner before walking off. 

Before Linc went to follow her, he says to me, "I didn't stop her for you. I stopped Ivy for Savannah. You don't know the whole story and it's messed up."

I sighed and let my guard down before putting it back up and walking away.


I honestly don't know if this makes sense lol, but thanks for reading!

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