Chapter 50

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A couple weeks later

Harry's POV:

I was surprised when I didn't wake up in the middle of the night to a crying Spencer. It was only 4 in the morning, but I had gotten used to being awaken in the middle of the night to soothe Spencer. To my surprise, the bed was empty too. I went to Spencer's room, to see Savannah there rocking him back to sleep.

She was singing him a lullaby with her melodious voice and I couldn't help but smile when I walked up to her.

"How long will I love you

As long as stars are above you 

And longer if I can 

How long will I need you

 As long as the seasons need to 

Follow their plan 

 How long will I be with you 

As long as the sea is bound to 

Wash up on the sand..." 

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"How about you take the day and get some rest?" I asked quietly.

I know she didn't think I noticed, but I knew how much Savannah was going through lately. She's barely gotten any sleep lately and she's been breastfeeding too.

"Are you sure?" She asked gently.

"I'm sure Angel. Go ahead, take the day for yourself. Spencer and I will spend some time together today," I said.

"Okay," she said hesitantly, as we both stayed in the room until Spence fell asleep.


Savannah's POV:

It was now later that day and I decided to meet up with girls at the coffee shop down the block. I decided to wear my denim skinny jeans, with a white lace top, and a light pink sweater. I wore my hair down and I put on my white sneakers.

"Are you sure you want me to go? I can tell the girls to stay in

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"Are you sure you want me to go? I can tell the girls to stay in..." I say until Harry interrupts me.

"Savannah, we'll be fine. Go have fun," Harry assured me.

"Fine... but make sure Spencer gets fed his bottle at two and if he doesn't sleep, try playing calming rain sounds and..." I ramble until Harry interrupted me again.

"Don't worry Sav. It'll be fine," Harry says.

I sigh as I take one last look at them before I leave. I then realize I forgot something and I head back into the house.

"Savannah..." Harry says exasperated until I cut him off.

I plant a kiss on him and on Spencer before I tell him, 

"Sorry I just needed to do that before I leave. I love you," I say as I exit the house once more.


The girls and I were having an amazing time, but my mind kept fading back to Harry and Spencer. 

"Hello? Savannah?" Ivy says as she tries to catch my attention.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah?" I say once I got out of my zone.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I'm worried about Spencer and Harry," I explain.

"Why don't you just give them a call?" Haley suggested.

"Well I tried that. But I kept calling like every ten minutes, so Harry said not to call unless it was an actual emergency," I say.

Lily and Ivy laugh, as Haley says, "I totally get it. I was like that when Jamie was first born too,"

I chuckle as I try not to keep worrying.


Once I get home, I see Harry and Spencer on the couch by the fireplace. I walk up to Spencer and pick him up on my lap. 

"Did you have fun?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, but I missed you guys," I say.

"You don't have to worry so much, ya know?" Harry says.

"I know, but I'll always miss you guys. You're the loves of my life," I say.

Harry smiles and says, "You guys are the loves of my life too."

I cuddle with Harry, while I have Spencer in my arms and I can't help but think it can't get better than this. I'm with the love of my life. I have our child here with me. This can't get better. I've definitely come a long way from the girl I was in high school. This is where I belong. I will always belong with Harry and Spencer. They're my family and there's no other place I'd rather be than with them. My family.


And that's a wrap! Thank you so much for reading Savannah and Harry's journey through love. I hope you guys enjoyed the book! There may be a few bonus episodes in the future, so be on the lookout for those. Thank you for reading my first book and I hope you'll be with me for future ones. ♥️♥️

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