Chapter 6

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Back at the party

Harry's POV: 

I panicked. I panicked when Savannah stood up for herself. She's never done that before. I was proud of her. I was happy that she didn't wanna let people walk over her anymore. But I couldn't lose the only thing I had of her. 

"Oh look, the little mouse got a voice. Too bad it's too late. Are you that desperate that you want everyone to look at you?" I said in my most viscous voice.

Everyone started laughing. I hated it. I hated how they just agreed with the nasty shit I just said about the most beautiful person I've ever met. I saw Lily and Ivy in the corner of my eye, in shock and anger. I sighed. 

I saw Jess starting to walk up to me.

"Dude it's been 10 years. When are you gonna let your hatred for Savannah go? She doesn't deserve it," Jess said to me disapprovingly.

I know. I know she doesn't deserve it.

"Just leave it alone Jess," I said.

Jess looked at me then turned the other way.

"What did she ever do to you Harry? Why are you so awful to her?" I heard a very mad voice say.

It was Ivy. She was definitely the fiercest out of the three. I just ignored her and walked away.

Ivy's POV:

Earlier that night

When Savannah, Lily, and I got to the party, it was pretty lit. The party was going pretty well. We were all having fun and dancing.

Soon Jess and Linc came our way.

"Heyy Ivy," Linc said, "How you doin?" as he attempted to flirt with me.

Linc was always the cute jokey guy in his friend group. He always flirted with me and I always shut him down, even though I liked him back.

"Pretty good." I replied.

"Wanna get some drinks with me?" I asked.

"Pass up alone time with you? Never. Let's go," Linc said.

"Shuttt upp," I said. I always liked his playful personality.

Jess started to talk with Savannah and I noticed Lily was dancing her butt off. Linc and I walked toward her.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks with Linc, okay?" I said loudly over the music.

"Okay I'll meet you back here after I use the bathroom," she said as she walked in the same direction as us.

When we were heading back to where Savannah was, I was shocked. Harry was insulting her. I hated whenever he did that. It always made Savannah feel like she wasn't good enough and I hated that. I hated when she didn't know her worth.

I saw her run out and I stormed up to Harry.

"What did she ever do to you Harry? Why are you so awful to her?" I yelled.

He just ignored me and walked away.

Gahhh I hate him. I see the way he looks at Savannah when she's not looking. I see it. I just don't understand why he does all this to her.


And that's it for Chapter 6! We finally got Ivy's perspective in on the situation. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! ❤️❤️

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