Chapter 11

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Harry's POV:

The next day 

I did it. I confessed my feelings for Savannah. The only thing is to see if she feels the same. Oh god, what if she doesn't feel the same? Today's the day. Today is the day to figure out if all my feelings were one sided or not. Let's do this.


Was I really so nervous that I got here 15 minutes early? Ughhhhh this is like a waiting game. I don't want to be surprised if she actually doesn't show up. I was nothing but mean to her the entire time I've met her and I wouldn't be surprised if she was skeptical of me. 

Savannah's POV:

Can I really trust his word? What if it's another one of his stupid pranks? There's only one way to find out... I missed my friend and I'm done fighting my feelings. Especially if there's a chance he feels the same.

I got dressed and headed for Central Park. The train was running a bit late and I got there at 6:05. Hopefully, if this isn't a prank, he'll still be there.

Harry's POV: 


What if she's actually not coming? Oh god, I probably messed this up on my own...

All my thoughts come to a halt when I hear her voice.

"Harry?" she says in that melodious voice of hers.

"Savannah. You really came." I said surprised and happily.

"So what does this mean for us?" she asks.

"I'm gonna be honest Savannah, I don't really know. But I know that I like you and I wanna be with you. I've missed you so much over the years and I want us to be back in each other's lives," I say.

"Okay, but I wanna keep this in between us. I don't want people judging us. So not even our friends will know, okay?", she says

"Perfect." I say.

We slowly start walking toward each other. Once we're inches away, I cup her face and pull her in for a kiss. It was slow, and sensual. Her soft lips sent me into an ecstasy. She was finally mine.



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