Chapter 36

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Savannah's POV:

A couple days later

It was just there as a heavy cloud over my head. I don't know what to do. The reality of it set in my head. I could die. I wasn't afraid of dying, just leaving this world without leaving a mark. There were hundreds of possibilities on what could be wrong with me. I could be worrying over nothing or I'm not even seeing the reality of what's happening. 

Harry had to leave for a business trip for a couple days. I didn't tell him anything about the doctor's visit yet. I was still processing it and I didn't want to worry him. I know he could tell something was up with me but didn't want to push me. I just put on a smile and bid him goodbye.

"Bye Harry. Call me when you land," I say.

"I will. I love you, Sav," Harry says.

"I love you too," I say as I pull him into a kiss.

We said our goodbyes at the airport and I headed home on the train. I decided to stop by at Haley's house. 

I knocked on her door. 

"Hey Hales," I say.

"Hey Sav, c'mon in," she says as she lets me in.

I see Jamie at the table coloring on the table.

"Hey Jamie," I say cheerfully.

He waves back to in response.

Haley and I talk a bit, until I decide to tell her what's been going on. I needed to vent to someone desperately. I couldn't talk to Ivy or Lily about it because I knew they would urge me to talk to Harry about it and I didn't want to stress all of them out. I knew I could talk to Haley about this because she used to be a psychiatrist before she went to the publishing industry. Plus she always had great advice.

I explain to her what was happening. She listened carefully.

"When do you get your results?" She asked.

"Either today or tomorrow," I say.

"Savannah, I know the whole reason you came to me instead of Ivy, Lily or even Harry was because you didn't want them to worry about you, but you should talk to Harry, at the very least. He's your fiancé and I've seen you guys together, he cares and loves you. He should know what's going on," she says.

I sigh, "I know but what if I'm doing all this worrying for nothing. For all I know it could've just been a one time thing."

"I get it Sav. Like you said it could be nothing or it could be something serious. If you don't wanna worry him so much, after you get your results you should come clean to him. If it's nothing, then you have nothing to worry about. If it's something, you and Harry can get through it together," Haley says.

"Thanks Haley. I know what to do now," I say as I feel like that heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"No problem," she says, "You can always come to me."

I head home and I feel better for the first time this week. As I get inside, I hear my phone ringing. It was the doctor. I brace myself and pick up the call.

"Hello, can I speak with Savannah Thompson?"

"This is she," I say.

"Hi Savannah, this is Dr. Wilson. I have your results from the tests I gave you," he says, "Congratulations, you're about 3 weeks pregnant!"

I sigh in relief and then I realize what he just said. I- I'm pregnant.

"Thank you for letting me know," I say as I hang up and begin to dial Harry's number and cry.

"Hey Angel," he says.

"I know it's late-," I say crying.

"I don't care that it's late. What's wrong Savannah?" Harry asks, concerned.

"I love you, you know that right?" I say in between my sobs.

"Of course I know that. What's going on?" Harry asks as he hears my sniffles.

"I'm having your baby, Harry Rockwell," I say happily as I cry.

"Are we-," Harry says before I interject him.

"We're pregnant, Harry. I- I'm pregnant with your baby. Our baby," I say, as I cried, "I just wanted you to know because I'm very happy about it and and it's sudden, I know, and it's too early, it's too early to tell-," 

"I love you," Harry says as he interrupts me and laughs, "I love you Savannah."

"I love you too," I say.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. ❤️

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