Chapter 34

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Savannah's POV:

"Oh my god, this ring is beautiful!" I exclaim.

We had just gotten home and were cuddling with each other. 

"Only the best for you Angel," Harry says as he snuggles his face deeper into my neck.

"Thank you bebe," I say, "I love you."

"I love you too, Savannah. I always will," Harry says as he nuzzles his face into my neck.

A couple days later

Harry and I spent the weekend together celebrating our engagement and told everyone about it. Soon came Monday and we were both getting ready for work. 

"Bye love," Harry said to me as he head out the door.

We lived busy lives but we always had time for each other. Whether it was the little things or the big things, we never let our love for each other go unnoticed. Monday's were rather calm days for me. I usually just sat by my desk writing drafts for my first book. So it was just another Monday for me. Harry, on the other hand, was at his busiest on Mondays. Mondays were when he would meet up with his major clients and update them. But as I said earlier, we always had time for each other. Harry would come how at 6 pm on the dot each day and we would make the best of our time.

While I was working on my book, my publisher called.

"Hey Haley!" I said, "How are you?"

Over the last couple years, Haley and I had gotten close. She was practically a sister to me. Haley had joined our little friend group. Ivy, Lily, Haley, and I were the best of friends. Haley had a son, Jamie who was about 2, with her husband. Her husband Nate, was also friends with Harry, Jess, and Linc.

"Hey Sav," she said, "I'm good. Well, as good as you can be on a Monday."

I chuckled, "I feel that, girl."

"How's the book coming?" She asked.

"It's coming along," I said, "I'm already a few chapters deep."

"That's great," Hales said, "Just wait. Once you finish, your amazing writing is gonna be in bookstores everywhere."

"I wish," I say.

"Girl, stop with that wishing. I've been in this industry for the last five years and I know talent when I see it. Trust me, you'll do amazing," she says.

"Thanks Haley," I say just as we talk a bit more before I hang up.

I continued writing until about 12 pm. It was time for Harry's lunch break and we made plans to go have lunch together.

I wore my blue skinny jeans with a white top and soft, warm, fuzzy pink open front cardigan. I paired it with my gold hoop earrings, my white converse, and my medium brown hair out. It was more warmer this year, than usual.

Harry and I ate lunch at one of the diners near his workplace

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Harry and I ate lunch at one of the diners near his workplace. After we went to lunch, we walked through the park on the way back to his office. 

"How was your day?" I asked, as we were walking through the park. 

"Honestly, it was the same as always. I would way rather be with you, ya know?" He smirked.

"Trust me, I would way rather be with you too." I said.

We talked more, until we parted ways.

Once I got home, I headed upstairs to our bedroom. I was gonna keep working on my laptop, until I felt an excruciating on my lower abdomen. I didn't know where it was coming from. 

"Ahhhh," I yelped, as I dropped to the floor. I clutched my stomach, my eyes closed shut from the pain. I laid there, in that position without knowing what was happening.


Hey guys, sorry for not updating for awhile. I had a bit of writer's block and was getting really busy. Anyways I'm back now and we're getting into that drama. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. ❤️❤️

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