Chapter 7: Meeting With Pierce

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Steve's P.O.V

Y/N and I are waking through the halls of S.H.I.E.L.D and when we look around the next corner we see "Kate" talking to Alexander Pierce.

We go back around the corner to talk about our plan.

Steve: Okay, so you still have your stealth suit right?

Y/N then pulls his shirt down a little so I can see the suit underneath.

Y/N: Of course I do, I don't think I'll ever take this thing off.

I silently laugh at this comment.

Steve: Okay, good so here's the plan. Whilst I'm in the meeting with Pierce you change into your suit, then head down to the garage and find my bike and wait for me there. If I'm not there in 20 minutes you go back to the hospital without, and I'll find a way to catch up. Okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I got it. Good luck Steve.

Steve: you too kid.

Y/N then walks away to get change. I then turn the corner to see "Kate" coming the other way.

"Kate": Captain Rogers.

Steve: Neighbour.

Pierce: Oh. Captain. I'm Alexander Pierce.

I shake him hand.

Steve: Sir, it's an honour.

Pierce: The honour is all mine, Captain. My father served in the 101st. Come on in.

Once I walked in to his office I knew something didn't feel right. After telling me about how he and Nick met and kept asking me why Nick was in my apartment and that he was dirty because he hired the pirates that took the Lumarian Star. I was about to leave the office.

Pierce: Captain, someone killed my friend and I'm gonna find out why. Anyone who gets in my way is gonna regret in. Anyone.

Steve: Understood.

After the meeting I knew for sure that something wasn't right. So I knew the kid and I had to get back to the hospital to find out what was on that drive.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now