Chapter 2: Washington D.C

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(Queens, New York. April, 2014. Y/N's age: 16)

Y/N's P.O.V

So right now I'm trying to convince my mum to take me to Washington with her.

Y/N: Come on, mum please let me go with you to Washington.

Natasha: I don't know Y/N. I think that you need to stay, I mean you have a city to protect. You also have a history project to do.

Y/N: New York will be fine without me to for a one week. Please mum let me come with you.

At this point I gave her the puppy eyes, which never fails to work.

Natasha: Fine, you can come, but you have a to do your history project whilst we're there.

Y/N: Yes!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I hug her.

I then run off to pack my stuff for the week.

I debated on whether I should take my suit with me but ultimately I decided against it. As for this one week I wanted to just be Y/N though I get the feeling I won't be able to get that.

(The next day)

(Washington D.C)

So mum and I have landed in Washington D.C and we are on our way to the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters in D.C.

Natasha: Alright baby boy, when we get there I have to go straight to a meeting with Nick Fury so whilst that's happening just listen to your music okay?

I roll my eyes at my mum's nickname for me.

Y/N: Okay mum, and how many times have I told you to stop calling me baby boy?

Natasha: And how many times have I told you that no matter how old you get you'll always be my baby boy?

She then leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

I roll my eyes again.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah.

Once we got to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters we walk through the halls. I look around as all the agents look at me in confusion, mum must not talk about me all that much.

We got to the office where my mum is supposed to have the meeting with Nick Fury. Mum knocked on the door and Nick Fury opened it and looked between the two of us.

Nick Fury: Agent Romanoff, good to see you again. Y/N how are you, son?

He and I shake my hands.

Y/N: I'm doing good, sir.

Nick Fury: That's good to hear. Now Agent Romanoff let's talk about the secret mission.

Mum and Director Fury go into the office to talk about this mission she's going on.

I sat outside the office for about thirty minutes listening to my music.

My mum then walks out of the office.

She comes over to me and puts her hand on my cheek.

Natasha: Okay, baby boy. I'm gonna pick up Captain America. I want you to go and entertain yourself for twenty minutes or so.

Y/N: Okay, mum.  I'll go and workout for a bit and then work on my history project.

I then went to the gym.

So whilst my mum went to pick up Captain America I'm working up a sweat.

I've just finished up my workout when I see my mum walk in.

Natasha: Y/N, I need your help on this mission.

Y/N: Why, what's going on?

Natasha: One of the agent's that is supposed to be on this mission has broken his leg, so he can't go on the mission. So we need the Scarlet Spider.

This is slightly annoying as I wanted to take a break from being the Scarlet Spider.

Y/N: Okay I'll help on the mission. But I don't have my suit with me, I only have my web shooters.

Natasha: Don't worry I asked Fury if he could make you another suit just in case you other one got ruined and, it's just been finished.

Y/N: Okay great, so what's the mission?

Mum and I then left then gym.

As we were walked mum briefed me on the mission. We were being sent to save people that were taken hostage on a ship called Lumarian Star

We then made are way to a secret room, my mum hit a few buttons on a panel that was on the wall. After that a container opened up and I saw a red and black suit which I decided to call my stealth suit.

 After that a container opened up and I saw a red and black suit which I decided to call my stealth suit

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(For those who want to know what the stealth suit looks like. Also just imagine it's a darker red.)

Natasha: So what do you think?

Y/N: I love it.

I couldn't take my eyes off of my new suit. It was so awesome.

Natasha: Good, now you get changed and meet me and the crew on the quinjet.

I got changed into my stealth suit and left the room to board the quinjet. As soon as aboard I saw agent Rumlow and his S.T.R.I.K.E squad

Rumlow: Ah the Scarlet Spider. I heard you'd be joining us.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm here to help. So I hope you can trust me to get the job done.

I hope they don't ask me to take off my mask.

Rumlow: Well if you ask me its kinda hard to trust a guy who hides his face. So how about you lift up that mask and show us your pretty face?

???: Well mask or not I trust him.

I turned around and saw Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America standing on the quinjet ramp.

Steve: So the way I see you can deal with the secret identity thing when you're ready Scarlet.

Y/N: Thanks Cap.

I smiled under my mask. I still couldn't believe I was going on a mission with Captain fucking America

Mum then turned around to face us.

Natasha: We should get going.

Steve: Nat's right, let's get going.

The quinjet then took off and flew off to the Lumarian Star.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now