Chapter 21: Uncovering The Past

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(One Week Later)

(Washington D.C)

Y/N's P.O.V

One week after I revealed my identity to the world and was asked by Tony Stark about joining the Avengers.

Steve, Sam and I were standing in a cemetery looking at Nick Fury's grave.

Nick Fury: So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?

Steve: Yeah, you get used to it.

Nick then turned to us.

Nick Fury: Hill and I have been data minding HYDRA's old files, looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the HYDRA. I'm heading to Berlin tomorrow and, I was hoping you two would come with me.

Steve and I look at each other.

Steve: Sorry we can't. We've got something else to do first.

Y/N: Yeah sorry Nick.

He then looks to Sam.

Nick Fury: What about you Wilson? I could use a man with your skill set.

Sam: Thanks for the offer, but I've always been more of a soldier than a spy.

Fury then goes on to shake our hands.

Nick Fury: Well alright then. If any looks for me you can tell they can find right here.

Fury then walks away.

Natasha: You guys should be honoured that's the closest he'll ever say to "thank you."

Steve and I walk over to her.

Steve: So, you're not going with him?

Mum shakes her head.

Steve: And, you're not staying here either.

Natasha: I blew all of my covers, I've gotta find another.

Steve: That could take awhile.

Natasha: No, it won't take too long. Because once I've done that I'm gonna take some time off and be more loving and supportive mother than Black Widow. Once this one comes back of course.

Steve: Well that's great.

Mum then pulls out a file.

Natasha: I did you boys a favor, I pulled some stings and got this from Kiev.

Y/N: Thanks mum. This means alot.

Mum nods in response. She then leans in a kisses both Steve and I on the cheek.

Natasha: Be safe both of you and good luck. And Steve look after him okay?

Steve: Of course.

Mum then walks away.

Natasha: Oh guys, like I said be careful. Because you might not want to pull on that string.

Steve and I both nod to her. With that my mum walks off and goes to who knows where, then again I'm about to do the same.

Steve opens up the file and we see two pictures of my dad inside along with other information.

Sam then walks closer to us.

Sam: So, you guys are going to look for him huh?

Steve: Yeah, we are.

I then take the file from Steve and look at it.

Y/N: You don't have to come with us Sam.

Sam: Yeah, I know. So where do we start?

Bucky's P.O.V

So it's been two weeks since HYDRA collapsed and I'm still trying to find out more about who I am. So to start off with I went to the Captain America museum and, I see a whole section dedicated to me. I realised then that I know the man from the bridge because we fought together and I found that his name is Steve Rogers.

After I left the museum I saw a news report and on it was an image of the Scarlet Spider, boy who called me dad. It turns out his real name is Y/N Y/M/N James Romanoff. And thanks to him I know my name is James but, his whole name sounds familiar everything about him is familiar I just can't figure out why.

But one day I will. One I'll find out who I really and what my connection is to both Y/N Romanoff and Steve Rogers.

(Well that's it. That's the end of the Winter Soldier arc. Next time is gonna be Avengers Age of Ultron. So thank you so much for everyone that has taken the time to read this story so far and, hope you enjoy the rest of it. So bye for now.)

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now