Chapter 53: Only Two

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Tony's P.O.V

After crash landing on the planet that ship was heading to Strange Pete and I have an confrontation with three people who we thought worked for Thanos.

But it turns out that was a misunderstanding and they were part of a group called the Guardians of the Galaxy. The trio were Peter Quill a.k.a Star-Lord, Drax and Mantis.

After introducing ourselves the six of us head outside to make a plan of how to take down Thanos.

Tony: Alright, I have a plan, or at least the beginnings of one. It's pretty simple when he gets here we pin him down and get what we need, definitely don't wanna dance with this guy we just want the gauntlet.

Drax then yawns.

I look to him.

Tony: Are you yawning? Are seriously yawning whilst I'm breaking it down? Did you hear what I said?

Drax: I stop listening after you said "we need a plan."

Tony: Okay, so Mr. Clean here is on his own page.

Peter Q: Yeah, you "not see winging it" isn't exactly what they do.

Peter: What exactly is it that they do?

Mantis: Kick names, take ass.

Drax: That's right.

Pete and I look at each other very confused by all of this.

Tony: Alright, just get over here. Mr. Lord can you get your people to circle up?

Peter Q: Mr. Lord? Star-Lord is fine.

He then gets Drax and Mantis over.

Tony: Look we gotta be ready, because if all we do is come at him with a plucky attitude...

Peter Q: Don't call us plucky. We don't even know what it means.

As we all start arguing amongst ourselves Mantis points something out to us.

Mantis: Excuse me, but does your friend often do that?

We all look over and see Strange floating in the air whilst using the time stone.

Tony: Hey Strange, we all good?

We then go over to him and he comes out of his trance and starts breathing heavily.

Tony: Whoa, it's okay. You're good, you're good.

Peter: What was that?

Stephen: I used the time stone to go forward in time to see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.

Peter Q: How many did you see?

Stephen: Fourteen million six hundred and five.

Tony: How many do we win?

Stephen: Two. Only two.

I nod my head and hope the plan we come up with is one of those two.


Y/N's P.O.V

After a long flight were on the outskirts of Wakanda. One the way I've been catching up with the Defender's and Frank.

I'm currently talking with Danny.

Y/N: Ya know, once all of this is over and done with I'm thinking about talking Wanda into us getting a dog.

Danny laughs.

Danny: Tell you what? We get through this in one piece I'll buy you the dog.

Y/N: Can I name him Danny?

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now