Chapter 57: Finding Thanos

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Y/N's P.O.V

Once we got Tony set up with some food and an IV drip everyone that was left gathered around and, we went over what's been happening after the events of Thanos' snap.

Rhodey: It's been seventeen days since Thanos came to earth.

Natasha: The world's government's are in pieces right now. It looks like Thanos did exactly what he said he'd do, Thanos wiped out 50% of all living creatures.

As mum said this images appeared on the hologram of all the people that we has lost to the snap.

Tony: So, where is he now? Where?

Y/N: We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.

Tony nods and then looks over to Thor who has a pissed off look on his face.

Tony: What's up with him?

Rocket: He's pissed. He thinks he failed. Then again I guess he did, but there's a lot of that goin' around ain't there?

Tony looks at Rocket.

Tony: I'm sorry but until this exact moment I thought you were build a bear.

Rocket: Maybe I am.

I chuckle at this.

Steve: We've been searching for Thanos for over two weeks now. Satellites, deep space scans and we've got nothing.

Steve then looks to me.

Steve: Y/N, you fought him one on one. Did he say anything to you?

Y/N: Nah, other than kick the shit outta me he didn't say much. Though he did say he wasn't gonna kill me because of a deal he made, whatever that means. And he knew my name, he knew everything about me. It was crazy.

Steve nods and looks to Tony.

Steve: Tony, you fought him too?

Tony: I didn't fight him. He wiped my face with a planet while the Bleeker Street magician gave away the stone. There was no fight.

Y/N: Did he give you any clues?

Tony makes a noise and this makes us all shake our heads in frustration.

Tony: You know? I saw this coming awhile back. I had a vision I didn't want to believe it, I thought I was dreaming.

Y/N: Yeah, I saw it coming too.

Tony nods to me.

Steve: Tony, I need you to focus...

Tony: And I needed you, as in past tense that trumps what you need. It's too late buddy.

Tony goes on to stand up and get frustrated then goes on about how we needed a suit of armour around the world.

Steve: Well that didn't work out did it?

Tony: I said "We'd lose" and you said "We'll do that together too." Well guess what Cap? We lost and you weren't there.

After carrying on his rant he looks to Carol.

Tony: You know what? We need you, your new blood. These guys are a bunch of tired old mill's. I've got nothing for you Cap, I've got no clues, no nothing you liar.

Tony then turns to me amd takes his chest piece off and puts it in my hand.

Tony: Alright kid, you take that, you put that on okay? You hear me?

Tony then falls to the floor and passes out.

(Fifteen minutes later)

After fifteen minutes or so of waiting Rhodey comes out of the med bay to talk to mum, Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Carol and I.

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