Chapter 75: Epilogue

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(Queens, New York. January, 2022. Birth of The Romanoff-Barnes baby)

Y/N's P.O.V

After a few hours of labour Wanda finally gave birth to our beautiful son.

As we're sitting there with the baby mum and dad walk in.

Natasha: Hey guys, can we come in?

Wanda: Yeah of course, come in.

The two walk in with Lucky who is now nearly a year old right now.

Dad and mum come over to meet our son.

Bucky: He looks like you Y/N, poor little bastard.

I smile.

Y/N: Very funny.

Natasha: So, what's his name?

Y/N: Well his name is Jackson James Pietro Romanoff-Barnes. Named after Justin.

Wanda and I decided to name him after my best friend Jackson as Wanda knew it was what I wanted, as due to our connection she knew how close he and I were.

Bucky: That's amazing.

Natasha: Yeah it is, he's so cute.

(Two hours later)

I'm now standing outside the room where mine and Wanda's son is with other babies.

As I'm standing there I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see dad standing there.

Bucky: How you feeling?

Y/N: I'm nervous about being a dad to be honest, but excited at the same time.

Bucky: Yeah, I remember feeling the same way when I saw you in that little room with the other babies. Though I only had six weeks with you before I got taken. Then I came back and you were eighteen years older.

I smile.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. But it's okay, you're here now that's all that matters.

Bucky: Yeah, I guess so.

Y/N: To be honest the thing that I think is gonna be the hardest is when he gets powers and explaining all that.

Dad chuckles at this.

Bucky: Yeah, that's gonna be tough, but you'll have Wanda there to help.

I nod.

Y/N: I know, that's what's gonna make it easier.

We talked a bit more than he and mum left and I went back to see Wanda.

We then enjoyed the fact that our boy was born and is healthy.

(Five years later)

(Upstate New York. February 2027. Y/N's age: 28)

So I'm currently on the way back from a mission in Russia with some of the Avengers. The team consists of myself, dad, Steve, Sam, Pietro and Rhodey.

We land back at the new Avengers compound, which was built where the original one was in Upstate New York.

After landing I get in the car and drive straight home to see Wanda and JJ.

We gave him the nickname JJ as his first name is Jackson and his middle name is James.

I park my car and get to the front door. The house looks amazing as Tony had given the house a makeover and it's bigger than before.

I knock on the door, the door opens revealing Wanda.

I lean against the door frame.

Y/N: Well I'm glad your home, because I don't have my house key.

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