Chapter 62: Whatever It Takes

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Y/N's P.O.V

Once we get over to time machine Steve tells me he wants me to help boost morale for this mission by giving a speech to the other's with us.

Y/N: Three years ago we lost. All of us, we lost friends, we lost family and we lost apart of ourselves. Today we have a chance to get it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions.

We all put our hands in the middle.

Y/N: Get the stones, get them back

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Y/N: Get the stones, get them back.

Steve: We have one round trip each, no mistakes, no do overs. Most of us know where we're going. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful and look out for and each other.

Y/N: This is the fight of our lives, and we're gonna win.

I look at Tony and Steve.

Y/N: Whatever it takes.

Tony and Steve look at me with a smile.

Steve: Whatever it takes.

Tony: Whatever it takes.

Steve and I look to everyone.

Steve: Good luck everyone.

We all spread out a bit.

Rocket: They're pretty good at that.

Scott: I know right.

Tony: Alright you heard 'em. Stroke those keys Jolly Green.

Rocket then looks at Clint.

Rocket: You better bring that ship back in one piece.

Clint: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll do my best.

Rocket: As promises go that kinda sucked.

Natasha: See ya in a minute.

I smile and look around and see Steve and Tony on one side and Wanda, Pietro, mum, dad and uncle Clint on the other.

The machine then activates.

And we all activate the helmets on our time travel suits.

We all look around getting ready for what's about to happen.

We all then shrink down and go into the quantum realm and head off to our respective time periods.

(A/N: Sorry for a short chapter I just wanted to do the time periods in their own chapters. Speaking of that though I should mention that with each time period I'm gonna to do them in the order they were shown in the movie. So I'll start with New York 2012 and end with Vormir 2014.)

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