Chapter 36: Lagos

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(Lagos, Nigeria. April, 2016. Y/N's age: 18)

Y/N's P.O.V

Myself and the other Avengers are currently in Lagos on mission Wanda, mum and I undercover on the streets, whilst Steve and Sam were above us keeping an eye.

Mine and Wanda's cover was that we are on a "romantic holiday." After looking around for a moment we hear Steve come over the comms.

Steve: Alright, what do you see?

Y/N: Just some standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street.

Wanda: Well, that's a good target.

Steve: There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?

Wanda: Cameras.

Steve: Both cross roads are one-way.

Y/N: So, compromised escape routes.

Steve: That means our man isn't afraid of being seeing and doesn't care whether or not he makes a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?

Wanda: Yeah, it's cute.

Natasha: It's also bullet proof, which means more security, which means a bigger headache for us.

Wanda: You guys know I can move stuff with my mind right?

Natasha's: Yeah, well looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.

Sam: Anyone ever tell you that you're a little paranoid?

Natasha: No, not to my face. Why? What have you heard?

Y/N: I have, multiple times.

Natasha: Well, you're my son. You don't count.

Steve: Alright, cut the chatter people. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in four months. I'd rather not lose him.

Sam: If he sees us coming I don't think that will be a problem considering he hates all of us.

After a little more time we realise that Rumlow and his crew aren't attacking the police and that they're looking for a bio weapon, so we head to the same place to stop him.

Cap then gives us an update.

Steve: Body armour, AR-15s. I make seven hostiles.

I then swing in wearing my full suit and take down two of the hostiles.

Y/N: I make five Cap.

Wanda then comes in and grabs a hold of on of the hostiles.

Wanda: Sam?

Sam then flies in and takes him down with his wing.

Sam: I count four.

I jump down and join the other's on the ground.

Sam: Rumlow is on the third floor.

Steve and I walk over to Wanda.

Y/N: Alright, Wanda just like we practiced.

Wanda: What about the gas?

Steve: Get it out.

Wanda then uses her powers to send Steve and I up to the third floor.

Once we get in there Steve and I take down Rumlow's crew by taking off their masks and knocking them out.

After finding out that Rumlow has gotten away Steve and I have to outrun explosions that are happening within the building. This resulted in us flying out of the window and hitting the ground outside.

Steve: Alright, Y/N you go deal with Rumlow, I'll go and help the other get the bio weapon.

Y/N: Okay, I'm on it.

I head down to the market place searching for Rumlow. I found the truck they were in and see a bomb inside. I use my webs to grab the bomb and throw it high enough in the air so it doesn't kill anyone.

I then turn around to see Rumlow coming at me

After a few minutes of fighting Rumlow I finally manage to disarm him and knock him down to the ground. I rip off his mask to see that his face is all messed up from the building being dropped on him.

Rumlow: All things considered, I think I look pretty good.

Y/N: Who the hell is your buyer?

Rumlow: You know he felt like he knew you? Your old man, your Bucky.

Y/N: What did you say?

Rumlow: Your dad, he felt like he knew you. I was there, he got all weepy about it. Until they put his head back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me. "Please tell the kid. When you've gotta go... you gotta go."

Rumlow then activated a bomb strapped to his chest, but Wanda managed to save me by creating a shield around Rumlow to contain the blast.

She then threw him up but a building that was nearby got caught in the explosion.

Wanda fell to her knees realising that she potentially killed innocent people.

Y/N: Sam, we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building.

I then got down to Wanda's level to comfort her as she dealt with this horrible feeling of guilt.

Once fire and rescue showed up we decided to head back to the compound.

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