Chapter 27: Mind Games

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(African Coast)

Y/N's P.O.V

After gathering some information on Klaue we head to the salvage yard off the African coast to stop Ultron before he can get any of the vibranium that Klue stole from Wakanda.

But when we get there we see that Ultron is already there. So Steve, Tony, Thor and I go in to confront Ultron, whilst mum and uncle Clint get into position above us and Banner stays on the quinjet.

When we get in there we see Ultron cut off Klaue's forearm.

Ultron: I'm nothing like Stark okay? Stark's sickness.

Thor, Steve and I walk in and Tony lands infront of us.

Tony: Oh, junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart.

Thor: No-one has to break anything.

Ultron: Well, clearly you've never made an omelette.

Tony: He beat me by one second.

I then look over at Wanda and as soon as she makes eye contact with me she looks down. She must still be trying to figure out our connection.

And if she doesn't understand it, then how the hell can I.

It's weird seeing her there with Ultron gave me this want to get her away from him and keep her safe. Maybe that's a side affect of this connection. Or maybe it's my own personal feelings/attraction towards her.

Pietro: Ah, this is funny Mr. Stark. This is what? More conformable, like old times?

Tony looks down.

Tony: This was never my life kid.

Steve: You two can still walk away from this.

Wanda: Oh we will.

Steve: Look I know you've suffered...

Ultron: Oh, Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war to fight in. I can't physically throw up, but...

Y/N: If you believe in peace, then let us keep it.

Ultron: I think your confusing "peace" with "quiet" boy.

Tony: Uh-huh. So what's that vibranium for?

Ultron: Well, I'm glad you asked because I wanted to take this opportunity to explain my evil plan to you.

Ultron then grabbed Tony and his bot's came up and attacked to rest of us.

Whilst shooting my webs at the bot's, the next thing I know I'm on my back after getting an uppercut to the chin.

I then see Pietro coming back around so ask Thor for the hammer and I throw it in his direction. He trying to hold it but gets dragged down to the floor below us.

I then jump down to the floor below and take down a group of Ultron's bot's by sending a venom blast shock wave through the floor. I see Pietro trying to get so I go over and uppercut him knocking him back on his ass.

Y/N: Stay down speedy.

I then look up and see Thor looking slightly confused.

Y/N: Thor, status?

Thor: The girl tried to warp my mind. Take care I doubt a human could keep her sorcery at bay. But fortunately I am mighty.

After hearing Thor say that I knew I had to stay on guard. My spider sense then went off, but before I could react I see a blur and get knocked down. I then see a flash of red in my eyes, like I did back in Strucker's lab.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now