Chapter 4: Captain America Museum

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Y/N's P.O.V

After the mission on the Lumarian star I decide to start my history project for school and, weirdly enough my project is on Captain America and what he did during his WW2 days.

So I thought the best to go to get that information is to the museum dedicated to Captain America. As I made my way through the museum I started to taking pictures and taking notes on anything relevant to my project.

I then made my way over to a section with the words 'A Fallen Comrade' it was a section dedicated to Bucky Barns, Steve's best friend. It's weird though as soon as I saw it I felt drawn to it, I can't explain why.

But anyway after that weirdness I made my way into a room that was playing a clip of Peggy Carter talking about Cap saving a thousand men. Whilst I was watching it and taking notes the guy who was sat next to me started talking.

Steve: Hey kid.

I turned to look at him and it was Steve wearing a baseball cap as some sort of disguise.

Y/N: Cap, what are you doing here?

He smiled at me.

Steve: Just enjoying the show.

After the clip ended I left the museum with Steve and we started talking.

Steve: So Y/N, what were you doing in there?

Y/N: Well I'm doing a history project on you and your WW2 adventures for school. So I came here to get any relevant information I'd need.

Steve then scratched the back of his neck.

Steve: Well if you want I can help you with that.

I then got really excited.

Y/N: Wait really!! Are you sure though, because I don't want to waste your time or anything.

Steve: No its fine Y/N really I've got the time but I do have to stop off at a couple of places first. But then we can go to my place and tell you all about it.

Y/N: Okay cool, thanks Steve.

Steve: No problem kid.

Our first stop was to the retirement home so Steve could see Peggy Carter. It was only a short visit but I could tell by the look on Steve's face that it was hard for him to see her like that.

The next to was to a place were ex military soldiers can talk about their problems and how to deal with them. When we got there the guy that Steve told me he met on his run was at the front talking and giving good advice. After he was done he came over to talk to Steve and I.

???: Look who it is, the running man.

Steve: Caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense.

???: Yeah brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt. Regret. So who's this, your new sidekick or something.

Steve: No this is a friend who I'm helping out. Sam Wilson this is Y/N Romanoff, Y/N Romanoff this is Sam Wilson.

Sam and I then shook hands.

Y/N: Hi, nice to meet you.

Sam then slightly smiled at me.

Sam: Likewise kid.

Y/N: So, Sam if you don't mind me asking are you here because you lost someone too?

I was slightly nervous to ask this question as I was afraid he'd think I'm being rude or something as we had just met.

Sam: Yeah kid. I lost my wingman, Riley.

Sam: Flying a night mission. Standard PJ rescue op. Nothing we hadn't done 1,000 times before. Until an RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It's like I was up there just to watch.

Y/N & Steve: I'm sorry.

Sam looked at both of us.

Sam: I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there you know?

Steve: But are you happy now, back in the real world?

Sam: Well the number of people giving me orders is down to zero. So, hell yeah. Are you thinking about getting out?"

Steve: No. I don't know. To be honest, I don't know what I'd do with myself if I did.

Sam: Ultimate fighting?

Steve and I both started laughing at this.

Sam: Just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously, you could do whatever you wanna do.

Sam: What makes you happy?

Steve: I don't know.

So after that conversation with Sam, Steve and I headed but to his place. On the way there Cap told me about project insight and how he felt about it and, in my personal opinion I can't say I disagree with Cap especially when he said 'holding a gun to people's heads and calling it protection'.

But I moved those thoughts out of my mind and decided to focus on the fact that Captain fucking America is gonna help me with my history project. That is so fucking cool.

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