Chapter 23: Finding The Scepter

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(Sokovia, April, 2015. Y/N's age: 17)

Y/N's P.O.V

So after landing in Sokovia we instantly lost the element of surprise as HYDRA started attacking us as soon as we were in their sights.

I was on the front of the jeep that my mum was driving and uncle Clint was is the back firing off arrows at any HYDRA soldiers that got close.

I saw a squad a HYDRA and quickly jumped off the jeep and used my venom blast on the ground to send them all flying backwards.

We all move forward so we can finish off HYDRA.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in the suit he currently has

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in the suit he currently has.)

I then web zip and land on Tony's back to help him out. As he and I got close to the HYDRA base we hit an energy shield which shocked both of us.

Y/N: Shit!!

Steve then came over the comms.

Steve: Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs.

Jarvis: The main building is protected by some.sort of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken.

Thor: Loki's scepter must be Strucker couldn't form a defence like this without it. At long last we've found it.

Natasha: At long last is lasting a little too long boys.

Clint: Yeah I think we lost the element of surprise.

Tony then brought up a pretty good point.

Tony: Wait, is no one else deal with the fact that Cap just said "Language" to the kid?

Y/N: Thank you, Tony that is a good point.

Steve: Yeah I know. It just slipped out.

After that Tony and I were trying to find a way into the base, Tony had to send in the Iron Legion to help civilians. Tony and I then made it to the courtyard I took down the the HYDRA agents. Whilst I was doing that mum came over the comms.

Natasha: Guy's Clint's hit!

Y/N: Shit. Is he okay?

Natasha: He is for now. But we need to get him out of here now.

Thor and Steve then start talking through comms.

Thor: I can get Barton to the jet. You, Stark and Y/N find the scepter.

Steve: Copy that.

Y/N: And for gosh sake watch your language.

Steve: (Sighs) That’s not going away any time soon.

Tony then finds a way to lower the shield. He and I then break through a window and see a group of HYDRA soldiers. They start shooting at Tony's armour but the bullets bounce off him.

Tony: Come on guys, let's talk about this.

Tony then shoots them all down.

Tony: Good talk.

HYDRA Agent: No it wasn't.

I jump off Tony's back he then lands on the ground and Tony lands amd comes out of his armor.

Tony: Keep sentry mode on.

Tony then walks over to one of their computer's.

Tony: Okay, Jarvis you know. I want all of their information. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ.

I start looking around a notice my spider sense directing me to a certain part of the wall.

Y/N: Hey Jarvis. Can you give me a scan of the room please?

Jarvis: Certainly.

Jarvis then scans the room.

Jarvis: The wall to your left Mr. Romanoff. I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current.

I go over to the wall.

Y/N: Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door.

I then push the wall and it opens up.

Y/N: Yay. Come on Tony let's go!

I take off my mask.

Tony: Okay, slow down kid.

Y/N: I'm sorry I can't help it. I feel like Indiana Jones right now.

Tony and I make our way down the stairs and into a massive room. We then hear Steve say there's two enhanced in the field one male and the other female.

Steve: Okay guy's. I've got Strucker.

Tony: Yeah. We've got something bigger.

After walking around and seeing some crazy tech I spot Loki's scepter in the distance. I walk closer to it.

Y/N: Okay Thor I've got eyes on the prize.

I walk up to the scepter and look the blue jem inside it's like it's calling to me. I touch the blue jem and at the same time I feel this red energy go through my head.

I start having some sort of vision. I see myself and the other Avengers fighting robots and I see this android I guess you could call it with a cape fighting with us.

I then saw saw six different coloured stones flying through space and they were then placed in this gauntlet by a big purple figure who picked up the gauntlet and snapped his finger's.

Third person prospective

After going inside of Y/N's head the female enhanced named Wanda Maximoff backed away and joined her brother Pietro Maximoff.

Pietro: Well done.

Wanda: Thanks. It's a shame I had to do that to him, he's actually pretty cute.

Pietro looked at his sister slightly confused.

Pietro: Wait, what?

Wanda then realised what she had just said.

Wanda: Nothing.

Y/N's P.O.V

When I came to after having that vision I saw Tony pick up the scepter and he walked over to me.

Tony: Hey kid. You okay?

I was still in shock after that vision.

Y/N: Yeah uh I'm good.

Tony: Okay. Good, come on let's get out of here.

Tony and I then stood up and left the HYDRA base. But I still couldn't get that vision out of my head. I knew I needed to figure out what it means.

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