Chapter 52: Going Home

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Y/N's P.O.V

On the way back to the compound I fall asleep and have the same nightmare as before, but this time I see my friends that are around me turn into dust.

I gasp and wake up to see that Wanda sitting there with my head on her lap and her hand in my hair.

Wanda: Hey, you okay? Was it another nightmare?

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah.

Wanda: Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N: I appreciate you wanting to help me, but I really don't want to right now.

I can tell due to our connection she understood.

Wanda: Okay baby, that's fine you don't have to talk about it now. So why don't you get some more sleep? We've still got a few hours until we get home.

I nod and smile.

Wanda: What?

Y/N: It's nothing, it's just after all this time it's really weird to hear you talk without your accent, it's nice. I mean don't get me wrong I love your accent, then again it's nice just to hear your voice in general.

She smiles.

Wanda: Thanks, I mean you're used to my voice as you can sometimes hear it in your head. Now you get some sleep okay?

I nod.

Y/N: Okay.

I lay my head in her lap and go back to sleep.

(Several hours later)

I wake up again and after another few hours of flying from Scotland we finally make it back to the Avengers compound in Upstate New York.

Sam flies the quinjet down on the landing pad outside of the compound. After shutting off the jet Sam lowers the ramp then helps Peitro lift up Vis and we all leave the jet and go into the compound.

Rhodey's P.O.V

I'm currently talking to Secretary Ross whilst looking for Vision.

Ross: Still no word from Vision?

Rhodey: No, the satellite has lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.

Ross: And he's on board a quinjet with six of the world's most wanted criminals.

I stand up straight.

Rhodey: You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that. Right sir?

Ross: Christ Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals mine.

Rhodey: If it wasn't for those Accords Vision would be right here, and so would the other's.

Ross stand up and walks over to me.

Ross: I remember your signature on those papers Col.

Rhodey: Yeah, that's right and I'm pretty sure I paid for that.

Ross: You having second thoughts?

Rhodey: Not anymore.

Ross and I look to the right and see Cap and the other's walk in.

Y/N's P.O.V

As myself and the other's walk in we see Rhodey in a meeting with Ross.

We stop infront on them.

Steve: Secretary.

Ross looks to mum.

Ross: You've got some nerve I'll give you that.

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