Chapter 25: Party Time

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Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now heading down to the farewell party for Thor. Once I get down there I see at least fifty to sixty guests including the Avengers, other heroes and soldiers some who have fought in WW2.

As the party was getting start I got a drink then headed over to the pool table to play some pool with Sam.

Sam: Whoo, yeah come on baby come back.

Y/N: Lucky shot.

After a heated game of pool with Sam I then head over to the bar to get another drink and, got involved in a conversation with with Tony, Thor and Rhodey.

Rhodey: So the suit can take the weight. I take the tank fly it up to the Palace I drop it at the general's and I say "Boom, you looking for this."

Myself, Tony and Thor look at each other not being impressed by the story.

Rhodey: Oh come on, everywhere else I tell that story it kills.

Thor: So that's the whole story?

Rhodey: Yeah. It's Warmachine's story.

Thor: Well, then it's very good. Quite impressive.

Y/N: Nice save.

Rhodey: So, no Pepper. She's not coming tonight?

Tony shakes his head. Hill then comes over and joins the conversation.

Maria: And no Jane either where are the ladies, gentlemen.

Tony and Thor then start to compare girlfriends to see whose it better.

Maria: Yeah, it's a shame they couldn't be because I'm sure they'd hate miss seeing you two get together.

Rhodey and I laugh at this. Tony then turns to me.

Tony: What about you kid? I thought you'd bring that girl that you've being seeing. What was her name? Alicia right?

I look down at the ground before answering.

Y/N: Yeah. That didn't exactly work out.

The group gives me sympathetic looks.

Tony: When does it ever for you, buddy?

I just shake my head.

Y/N: Yeah, it turns out she only wanted to date me because I'm the Scarlet Spider and an Avenger.

Rhodey: Damn really?

I nod.

Y/N: But to be honest it's not just her. All the girls I've gone out with recently don't ever want to be with me for me. They want to be with me for my other half.

Maria then gave me a side hug.

Maria: Don't worry about it sweetie. You'll find someone who does want to be with you for you.

The others nod agreeing with her.

Y/N: Thanks guys. Now come on this is a party let's have some fun.

We all went off back into the party.

Later on in the night I saw Bruce and mum talking and it seemed like they were flirting. If that is the case then I'm glad my mum has found someone that she's wants to maybe be with, because after everything she's been through she deserves it.

Once mum left I went over to talk to Bruce.

Y/N: That's nice. You and my mum I mean.

Bruce: Oh, no. We weren't.... that wasn't.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now