Chapter 76: Passing The Mantle (Alternative Ending)

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(Five days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

Five days after the wedding myself, dad, mum, Wanda, Tony, Bruce and Sam stand with Steve on the outskirts of the ruins of the Avengers compound as Steve gets ready to return to stones to their places in the timeline.

Tony opens up the case that now has the stones in it.

Tony: Now remember Cap, you have to return the stones to the exact place we got 'em from. Otherwise your gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.

Steve: Don't worry Tony I know, clip all the branch's.

Steve closes the case up.

I walk with Steve.

Y/N: Cap if you want I can come with you.

Steve: You're a good man Y/N, but this is on me. And you'll be a great father.

Y/N: Yeah well, I had a pretty good explain.

Steve's P.O.V

After hearing Y/N say this I nod.

Steve: Yeah, your father is a good man.

He shakes his head.

Y/N: I wasn't just talking about my dad.

I smile as I realise he was talking about me and this warmed my heart as it told me that Y/N saw me as a father figure in his life.

And to be honest he's the closest thing I've ever had to a son, even though he was my best friend's son.

Y/N and I hug and say goodbye.

After saying goodbye to the other's I go over to Bucky.

Steve: Don't do anything stupid until I get back.

Bucky: How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you.

He and I smile then hug.

Bucky: I'm gonna miss you buddy.

Steve: It's gonna be okay, Buck.

Bucky then looks over at Y/N, Sam and the other's talking.

Bucky: He's gonna do great you know?

I nod.

Steve: I know, that's why I'm choosing him.

Bucky nods.

Bucky: I know.

Y/N's P.O.V

I turn to see dad and Steve finish saying goodbye.

Steve then goes over to the new teleporter and he activates his time travel suit.

Sam: How long is this gonna take?

Tony: For him as long as he needs, for us about five seconds.

Bruce: Alright Cap we'll meet you back here.

Steve nods.

Steve: You bet.

He then activates the helmet on his time travel suit.

Bruce: Going quantum in five, four, three, two, one.

Steve shrinks down and goes back in time.

Bruce: And returning in five, four, three two, one.

We wait and we notice that Steve hasn't come back yet.

I look over to Bruce and he seems confused, but Tony doesn't he just smiles. I notice the same with mum too.

Wanda: Where is he?

Bruce: I don't know. He blew right pass his time stamp, he should be here.

Y/N: Well get him back.

Bruce: I'm trying.

Sam: Get him the hell back!

Bruce: I said I'm trying.

Bucky: Hey guys.

Myself, Sam, mum, Tony and Wanda look to dad then go over and stand with him. We see an old man sitting on a bench.

Mum looks to Sam.

Natasha: Sam, go on.

Sam looks at me then goes over to the old man. 

Y/N: What the hell is going on?

Wanda: I have no idea.

After a few minutes Sam then comes back over.

Sam: Hey Y/N, Cap wants to talk to you.

I tilt my head.

Bucky: Go ahead son.

I nod and walk over to the old man.

As I get closer I see that it is Steve.

Y/N: Cap?

Steve: Hi Y/N.

Y/N: So did something go wrong? Or did something go right?

Steve: Well when I put the stones back I decided to try that whole life thing that Tony was always telling me to get.

Y/N: And how was it?

Steve: It was beautiful. It really was.

Y/N: Well I'm happy for you. I truly am.

Steve: Thank you.

I put my hands in my pockets.

Y/N: I'm just bummed that I have to live in a world without Captain America.

Steve: Oh that reminds me.

Steve grabs a leather circle case and unzips it to reveal a fixed/new version of Steve's shield.

I smile as I see it.

Steve looks to me.

Steve: Try it on.

My eyes widen at this. I then look over to the other's and they all nod to me signaling it was okay.

I then grab the shield and tighten it slightly around my forearm.

Steve: How does it feel?

I look at the shield then at Steve.

Y/N: It feels like it's someone else's.

Steve slightly smiles.

Steve: It isn't.

I smile as I realised that Steve was giving me the shield as he wanted me to be the next Captain America, he's passing me the mantle.

I smile and feel the tears of happiness in my eyes.

Y/N: Thank you Steve, I'll do my best. I promise.

Steve and I shake hands.

Steve: I know, that's why it's yours.

I then see a wedding ring on Steve's finger.

Y/N: (Smiling) You wanna tell me about her?

He looks out to the lake infront of us.

Steve: No, no I don't think I will.

After a few minutes of talking with old man Steve I leave with the shield.

All I could wonder is how am I gonna be a good Captain America in this new world.

(A/N: So that's the alternative ending. So this will lead into The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Disney+ show. Though my story will be called The Scarlet Spider, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Also I'd like to know what you guys think of Y/N getting the shield instead of Sam.)

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