Chapter 20: The Truth Is...

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(Two days later)

Natasha's P.O.V

So it's been two days since we took down S.H.I.E.L.D/HYDRA and Y/N has also been in the hospital for two days. I have not left his side unless someone has been with him.

Steve and Sam have been very helpful as they have watched him for me, brought extra clothes so I can change. All I know is I'm not leaving this hospital until my baby boy does.

I'm now laying on the side of his bed and running my hand through his hair. He loved when I did this to him when he was little, so some weird part of my hopes it will wake him up.

I then hear a light knock on the door, the door then opens and I see Steve standing there.

Steve: (Whispers) Hey.

Natasha: (Whispers) Hi. Come on in.

Steve comes fully in and sits in the chair next to the bed.

Steve: So, how's he doing?

Natasha: Better. Doctor said he should wake up soon.

Steve nods in response.

After a moment of comfortable silence I say something.

Natasha: You know, when he was little and he'd have a nightmare. The only way he'd be able to get back to sleep is if I layed next to him and ran my hand through his hair. He just always felt safe knowing I was there next to him.

Steve then chuckles a little.

Steve: Well, you are the Black Widow. I think anyone would feel that way.

I laugh a little at this comment.

Steve and I then hear small groans and look down at Y/N to see that he's waking up.

Natasha: Y/N. Can you hear me baby?

Y/N: (Whispers) Mum. Is that you?

Natasha: Yeah, baby boy it's me. I'm here.

Y/N then fully opens his eyes and see Steve and I there.

Natasha: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine. Just a little sore. How long have I been out for?

Natasha: two days.

Y/N nods acknowledging this then looks at Steve.

Y/N: Hey Cap, how's it going?

Steve: (slightly laughs) It's good Y/N. So what happened?

Y/N: It was dad. He saved me. I fell into the river and he saved me.

Natasha: (slightly shocked) He did? Really?

Y/N nodded in response.

Steve: Wait, if Bucky saved you that means...

Natasha interrupted him.

Natasha: That means the real James is still in there.

Y/N: Yeah and, that means we have to find him and bring him home.

(One Week Later)

Y/N's P.O.V

I got out of the hospital the next day and, later that day mum wait to talk to a committee about what happened in Washington.

The committee talked about how she did some lying for S.H.I.E.L.D and how were they supposed to trust hero's like us when we took down S.H.I.E.L.D.

Mum then told them that they won't arrest us becuasr they need us to protect the world from bigger threats that could come. She then left the committee court room.

And as my identity was leaked becuase of the information HYDRA had on me. Some people believe its true, whilst other don't.

So mum talked to Tony Stark about setting up a press conference so I could set the record straight.

(Queens, New York)

(Three Days Later)

So I'm now back in New York and I'm also back stage at the press conference with mum, Tony Stark and Maria Hill.

Tony: So kid, you ready?

Y/N: As ready as I'll ever be.

Hill then comes over.

Maria: Okay, here's your alibi.

I look through the cards.

Y/N: There's nothing about my dad in here.

Maria: Well, before your mother leak all of those files she destroyed any evidence that linked you to the Winter Soilder, so your reputation as a hero wouldn't be tarnished.

Y/N: Yeah that was a good call. But I gotta say. This whole "I just happened to be there at the same time as the Scarlet Spider" is a bit flimsy.

Tony: The kid has a point Hill.

Maria: Look, just stick to the cards and you'll be fine.

I nodded in response. Tony then went out to address the crowd of reporters.

Tony: Now, I'd like to welcome to the stage Y/N Romanoff and, Mr. Romanoff will not be taking questions.

I walked up on to the stage and infront of the mic.

Y/N: Hi. So it's been a while since I've done public speaking so I'll just stick to the cards.

The crowd laughs at this.

Y/N: So there's been a lot of speculation that I'm the Scarlet Spider and that I was involved in the events that occurred in Washington...

One of the reporters interrupts me.

Female Reporter: I'm sorry, Mr. Romanoff but do really expect us to believe that you just so happened to be in the area, whilst the Scarlet Spider was there fighting HYDRA. Especially as said organisation revealed your identity as the Scarlet Spider.

Y/N: Here's me thinking you would take that information with a grain of salt considering it was revealed by an evil organisation that wanted to kill twenty million people. Besides it one thing to question the official story and another to insinuate that I'm a superhero that can run up walls.

Female Reporter: I never said you were a superhero.

Y/N: Then what are you saying?

She stays silent.

Y/N: Well anyway. I'm obviously not the hero type. I mean look at me.

Tony then leaned and whispered in my ear.

After hearing Tony say that I realised that even if I say I'm not the Scarlet Spider those questions are still gonna follow me wherever I go. So after coming to the realisation I decide to take a different approach.

I dropped the cards on the podium and looked up.

Y/N: You see the truth is......... I am the Scarlet Spider.

The whole crowd of reporters stood up clapping, cheering and asking more questions.

After the press conference Tony and I went into the back room.

Tony: Well that went well.

Y/N: Yeah it did.

Tony: Well now that's over there's something I want to talk to you about.

Y/N: Okay, what is it?

Tony: How would you like to join The Avengers.

Scarlet Spider Male reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter Soldier/White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now