Chapter 67: Vormir 2014

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(Vormir, 2014)

Natasha's P.O.V

After a long flight in the space ship we finally make it to the planet Vormir, the planet that has the soul stone.

Clint and I stand and look out of the window.

Clint: Under different circumstances thos would be totally awesome.

I nod.

(Ten minutes later)

After landing the ship Clint and I walk up and mountain and continue to do so until we reach the top.

Natasha: I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb the mountain.

Clint: You know he's not technically a raccoon.

Natasha: Oh whatever, he still eats garbage.

???: Welcome.

We both turn I pull out my gun and Clint pulls out his sword and we see a a being with a red skull and a black clock infront of us.

Red skull: Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith.

Natasha: Who are you?

Red skull: Consider me a guide. To you, and all who seek the soul stone.

Natasha: Oh good, you tell us where it is amd we'll be on our way.

Red skull: Oh, if only it were that easy.

The Red skull gut then leads us to the edge of the mountain and then tells us that the only way to get the soul stone is for one of us to die. A soul for a soul.

Clint and I both back off to take a minute to think about all of this. I go and sit down on a log.

Clint: Alright, how do we even know this guy is telling us the truth?

Natasha: He is.

Clint: Why's that? Because he knew your daddy's name.

I look at him.

Natasha: I didn't. Thanos left here with the stone and without his daughter, that's not a coincidence.

Clint: Yeah.

After a moment of silence I remember what Y/N said just before we left.

Natasha: Whatever it takes.

Clint: Whatever it takes.

I get up and walk over to Clint.

Natasha: If we don't get that stone billions of people stay dead.

Clint: Well then, I guess we both know who it's gotta be.

Natasha: Yeah, we do.

Clint: I'm starting to get the feeling we mean different people here. Nat, you can't do this you have a family.

Natasha: So do you. I've been waiting for three years to get to this moment. That's all it's been about bringing everyone back.

We start arguing over who has more blood on their hands and who should do it.

We then put our foreheads together.

I grab Clint and throw him to the ground.

Natasha: Tell my Y/N and James that I love them.

Clint grabs me and flips me.

Clint: Tell my family I love them.

He then uses his arrow to wrap me up with a cable.

Third person prospective

Natasha manages to slip out of the cable and fire her guns near Clint's feet.

This causes Clint to fall to the side.

Natasha takes this opportunity to run and jump of the edge, as she's about to fall down Clint jumps and grabs her. Clint then uses his arrow and a the cable to wrap Natasha up and stick her to the side of the mountain.

But before Clint could fall Natasha grabs his hand.

Natasha's P.O.V

As we're hanging on the side of the mo I try and break out of the cable but it's too stong.

Natasha: Dman it Clint! Please Clint don't do this, you have a family.

Clint: It's okay Nat, it's okay. Just let me go.

I feel the tears streaming down my face.

Natasha: No! No, I can't.

Clint: You have to, it's okay. Just tell Laura and the kids that I love them and that I'm sorry.

Clint then kicks himself off the mountain and falls down to his death.

After this happens I see a blinding light and black out.

When I open my eyes I sit up and see that I'm laying in a lake, and that I'm still on Vormir.

I then look down at my hand to see that I have the soul stone in my hand.

After have a minute to cry and the stand up and activate my time travel suit amd I head back to the Compound.

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